Saturday, 22 March 2025

What size is the angle?

Year 5 have been working hard to use a protractor to measure angles. This is a really tricky skill but not only did they work hard to master this, they also had a lot of fun along the way.

Well done Year 5, keep measuring!

Friday, 21 March 2025

The Dojo League

The Dojo League!

The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class!

The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!

Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, France,  Spain, USA, Canada and Mexico who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 Dojo League with Italy just behind them in second place

Key Stage 2:
A big well done to 
Argentina, South Africa, Kenya, China, India, Japan, Australia and Greenland who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Brazil just behind them in second place and Peru, Fiji and New Zealand in third place.

Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

The attendadnce winners this week are...

Great attendance leads to 
great learning and progress!

Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!

A big well done to this week's winners who are:

Northern Ireland - 97.0%
Uganda - 99.0%
China - 99.0%

A huge well done to all classes above. Well done to Northern Ireland who win for the third week in a row. Well done also to Uganda and China for their attendance of 99% and above. Prizes will be on their way to you.

9 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - well done to those classes. 

A further well done to Nursery PM, Northern Ireland, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, China, India, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and Greenland who had no lates this week. 

Whole school attendance for this week is:


Whole school attendance for the year currently stands at:


Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school every day and on time!

It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance. 
Please remember that our school target is 96%.

Monday, 17 March 2025

Clockhouse Weekly Wow

Here is last week's Weekly Wow and as usual there were a lot of things to 'wow' about last week.

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2024-2025!

A huge congratulations to

Freddy H (Australia)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2024-2025!

Freddy deserves a learning badge because he consistently demonstrates resilience in his learning. He approaches challenges with determination, showing resilience when faced with difficult tasks. Freddy actively participates in lessons, asks questions, and is always eager to improve his understanding. In particular he has been working extremely hard in Maths. He also supports his classmates by sharing ideas and encouraging others in their learning. His enthusiasm, hard work, and resilience make him a fantastic role model.

Harry T (Japan)

who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2024-2025!

Harry has blown me away with his excellent attitude to his learning and his continuous strive for excellence. His improvement with his handwriting since September is incredible and his books represent the vast improvement he has made. Well done Harry, we are very proud of you. 

James M-H (Japan)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2024-2025!

James has shown hard-work and determination to further improve his learning in all subjects. Recently, I have been impressed with his continuous efforts to ensure his learning is the best it can. He listens to feedback and is keen to improve even when it becomes tricky. Well done James - keep it up!

Omar D (South Africa)

who have earned the Respect Champion Award for 2024-2025!

This person is such a fantastic model of what respect should look like!  He can always be relied upon to be kind, polite and respectful to adults and children alike.  He listens carefully during lesson inputs, has beautiful manners and takes good care of our school resources and equipment. Well done Omar, you are such a valued member of our class!

Olivia G (Argentina)

who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2024-2025!

This member of the class is always eager to learn and help her peers. She will work with those around her to help them when they face something challenging. She is always kind and ready to offer her time to support her class mates with their learning. Well done!

Emilyah L (Argentina)

who have earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2024-2025!

This child always shows great enthusiasm in her learning. Since joining Clockhouse this year she has shown great curiosity and excitement in every lesson and has made great progress. She always shares her ideas and asks great questions to deepen her learning. Keep it up!

James D (Peru)

who have earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2024-2025!

He is a person that shows excitement in all areas of school life, something that every adult that works with him has commented on. Whether it be dance, computing  (his real passions) or anything else, he greets it all with such a positive outlook, a can do attitude and an excitement that is contageous. He is never disheartened by feedback, but instead relishes the opportunity to improve, whilst encouraging others to do the same and celebrating their achievements, so that they too are enthusiatic to try their very best. We are all beyond proud of him and truly value the positive and excited energy he brings to learning every day without fail. He is a true assest to Year 3.

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

The Reading Raffle!

As you may already know, once again, this year we are holding a weekly Reading Raffle. Each time the children read at home and a message gets sent to their teacher on Class Dojo or a message is put in their Reading Diary they get a raffle ticket which gets entered into the Reading Raffle draw. This takes place in Celebration Assembly on a Monday. 

This week we were overwhelmed with the number of people who entered. Well done to the following children who were this week's winners and are busy deciding on their prizes:

Key Stage 1 

Key Stage 2
Lilly H


Greenland Moment of the Week

The Greenland Moment of the Week is awarded to


for their exceptional behaviour during class photos last week.
They visited a new area of the school and managed a change to their routine brilliantly!