Monday 14 October 2024

Clockhouse Weekly Wow

Here is last week's Weekly Wow and as usual there were a lot of things to 'wow' about last week.

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2024-2025!

A huge congratulations to

Safae B (Australia)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2024-2025!

Safae deserves to win a learning award because she consistently pushes herself beyond expectations, demonstrating remarkable perseverance and dedication since starting Year 6. This hard work, determination and commitment to learning across all subjects make her a standout student. Keep up all your incredible work!

Tommy Y (Japan)

who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2024-2025!

Tommy's work and commitment to the humanities have blown me away this year and we are only in the first half term! He has produced some high quality pieces and demonstrated his excellent and growing knowledge when discussing his learning, using superb subject specific vocabulary, showing he is capable of great things! I cannot wait to see how much further he can push and challenge himself!

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

The Reading Raffle!

As you may already know, once again, this year we are holding a weekly Reading Raffle. Each time the children read at home and a message gets sent to their teacher on Class Dojo or a message is put in their Reading Diary they get a raffle ticket which gets entered into the Reading Raffle draw. This takes place in Celebration Assembly on a Monday. 

This week we were overwhelmed with the number of people who entered. Well done to the following children who were this week's winners and are busy deciding on their prizes:

Key Stage 1 

Key Stage 2
James K


Citizen of the Week

Citizen of the Week!

Well done to the following children who are Clockhouse Citizen of the Week for this week:

Reception - George A (Scotland)
Year 1 - Frank H (Italy)
Year 2 - Ella-Rose R (Mexico)
Year 3 - Jack J (Argentina)
Year 4 - Gracie H (South Africa)
Year 5 - Olly L (Japan)
Year 6 - Nusrat R (Fiji)
Greenland - Poppy S-R

We have many fantastic citizens at Clockhouse and look forward to rewarding them!

Well done everyone!

Friday 11 October 2024

The Dojo League

The Dojo League!

The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class!

The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!

Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Italy, Spain, Canada and Mexico who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 Dojo League with France and USA in second place.

Key Stage 2:
A big well done to Brazil, Argentina, Uganda, China, India, Japan, Australia and New Zealand who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with South Africa, Fiji and Greenland just behind them in second plan and Kenya in third.

Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

The attendance winners this week are...

Great attendance leads to 
great learning and progress!

Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!

A big well done to this week's winners who are:

France - 100%%
South Africa - 97.7%
Japan 100%

A huge well done to all classes above. An extra well done to Greenland for having attendance above 99% - prizes are on their way to you. France and Japan, a non-uniform day is on its way to you see for having 100% attendance this week!

Amazing - 14 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - well done to those classes. 

A further well done to Northern Ireland, Canada, Peru, Kenya, South Africa, India, Japan Australia and New Zealand who had no lates this week. 

Whole school attendance for this week is:


Whole school attendance for the year currently stands at:


Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school every day and on time!

It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance. 
Please remember that our school target is 96%.


Medal winning Gymnast visits to help us raise money for charity!

We had a great time when Sports for Champions gymnast Courtney Tulloch visited Clockhouse to showcase his impressive talent and medals.  Courtney has one gold, silver and bronze medals in World Championships and the Commonwealth Games. 

During the assembly, he inspired us all with his achievements and shared insights into his journey as an professional gymnast. Following the assembly, Courtney hosted a fun fitness circuit throughout the day, engaging all classes in exciting activities that promoted health and teamwork. It was a fantastic opportunity for children to learn from a champion and get active together.

It was the fitness circuit that many of our children were sponsored to complete. On behalf of our school and the Sports Team, we want to thank you for helping us raise an amazing total of £995! We are overwhelmed by your kind donations.