Friday, 20 December 2013

A Message from us all!

Thank you all for a great term at Clockhouse!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas
and a
Fabulous New Year!

Fantastic News

We are very proud to tell you that no less than 169 children from Nursery through to Year 6 achieved 100% attendance this term, a truly magnificent achievement!

Can we beat this in the Spring Term!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Lodge Lane Nursing Home visit

The residents of Lodge Lane Nursing home were given an early Christmas treat yesterday when our Year 5 and 6 choir members visited to sing Christmas Carols to and with them.
The choir sang beautifully. Mrs Payne and Mr Thomas accompanied the children and they both came back immensely proud of all the children. We gave the residents their own copies of the lyrics so that they could join in with the classic carols and they loved it.  The children also sang two songs that the residents did not know and you could honestly hear their hearts swelling as they listened to their angelic voices.
Well done to the choir members who took part in this special event!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Reminders for Week Beginning 16th December 2013

Thank you to all the families who came to watch the children in the concerts last week. We are sure that you all felt as proud of the children as we did.

This week sees Year 2 singing at the Church, the Year 3 and 4 concert and the Year 5 and 6 Carol Concert. The dates are as follows:

16th December                            Year 3 and 4 Concert - 9.30am
16th December                            Year 3 and 4 Concert - 2.30pm
18th December                            Year 2 Performance at the Church - 4.30pm
19th December                            Year 5 and 6 Carol Service - 2.00pm
19th December                            Year 5 and 6 Carol Service - 7.00pm

Please remember that younger siblings are not permitted to attend concerts.

Year 5 and 6 Choir will be singing at Lodge Lane Nursing Home on Tuesday afternoon. If you have not done so already, please ensure that your child's consent form is returned to school tomorrow.

Christmas Dinner day is on Wednesday. 

Friday is a non-uniform day which will include class Christmas Parties, a letter about this will be coming home tomorrow.

Please keep an eye out for the December newsletter which will come home this week.

Have a good week everyone.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the concerts, we hope that we continue to help you to get into the festive spirit!


Thursday, 12 December 2013

Year 3 and 4 Bikeability

Calling all Year 1 and Year 2!

Do not forget to bring the children's bikes and scooters to school tomorrow (Friday) for their road awareness training. The children will be doing this outside so please make sure that they are wrapped up warm!

On arriving at school please bring bikes / scooters to the back of the Key Stage 2 building (by the hall) and leave them by your class sign. School staff will be there to direct you!

As always, thank you for all your support.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Do you have difficulty getting you child to sleep? We may be able to help you!


“Can't Sleep, Won't Sleep”

Do you have difficulties with your child/ren sleeping?  
Good Sleep Practices from Babies to Teens
Monday 27th January 2014

9.00 - 11.30

KS1 Parents Room

Who is this workshop suitable for?
This workshop is suitable for parents and carers who have sleep issues with their children and for professionals supporting families with sleep issues.
Having a mixed group at the workshop enables parents / carers and professionals to share experiences of issues with sleep from different perspectives.

Workshop content:
The workshop looks at sleep issues in children from babies and toddlers right up to teens with and without special / additional needs and covers the following:

- The importance of sleep

- The stages of sleep

- How much sleep children need

- The effects of sleep deprivation on the child and family

- Good sleep practises

- What may affect sleep?

- Practical suggestions to improve sleep

- Resources to aid sleep and help available to families

2sleep are:
Vanessa Moore and Carol Prideaux - sleep practitioners, trained by NHS Solent in Southampton and the charity Scope.  Please see for more details.

To book a place or for more information:
Places will be limited so please contact Marion Edgar or Kim Ayling (Home School Support Workers)
07532168114 (Marion Edgar)
07759229453 (Kim Ayling)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Clockhouse 2nd Overall!

Following our initial success in the  Year 5 and 6  Sports Hall Athletics competition, we have just heard that not only did we finish second on the day, we came second overall meaning that we are the second best school in the borough for Sports Hall Athletics!

I am sure you will all agree a wonderful achievement for the school as a whole and for all those involved!

Well done Team Clockhouse, we are very proud of each of you who took part!!!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Reminders for Week Beginning 9th December 2013

Thank you for the overwhelming support for our annual cake sale - the children certainly appeared to have a lovely time!

The Christmas Concerts start this week. The dates are as follows:

9th December               Christmas Dress Rehearsal - a.m. (2HF / 1EO / RLS)
9th December               Christmas Dress Rehearsal - p.m. (2TR / 1AS / RNC)
10th December             Christmas Dress Rehearsal - a.m. (2CL / 1KI / RCO)
10th December             P.M Nursery Christmas Concert - 2.30pm
11th December             A.M Nursery Christmas Concert - 9.30am
11th December             KS1 Concert - 2.30pm (2HF / 1EO / RLS)
12th December              KS1 Concert - 9.30am (2TR / 1AS / RNC)
12th December             KS1 Concert - 2.30pm (2CL / 1KI / RCO)
13th December             Christmas Dress Rehearsal - am (Year 3 and Year 4)

Please remember that younger siblings are not permitted to attend concerts. Please attend the dress rehearsal if you do need to bring younger siblings.

On Friday Year 1 and 2 children are taking part in bikeabilty training. Please do not forget your child's bicycle or scooter if they have one on this day.

Have a good week everyone.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the concerts, we hope we help you to get into the festive spirit!

Music Tuition Meeting - tomorrow!

Please remember that on Monday (tomorrow) Paul Harris from the Havering Music School will be coming to school to meet with parents and carers who have shown an interest in music tuition.  The meeting will be held in the music room from 2.45-3.15pm.  There you will have the opportunity to find out more about the tuition packages available to your child and should you wish to enrol them onto the scheme you will be able to do so at the meeting.

If you would like your child to begin tuition from 1st February 2014 the direct debit forms must be completed and handed in at the meeting.  Therefore, please ensure you have your bank details with you.
If any other parents are interested but did not originally sign up you are still more than welcome to come along.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Clockhouse come 2nd!

The Clockhouse boys team took on St. Peter's Catholic Primary School this afternoon. Although all the boys played really well and were committed to the very end, we did come second this evening losing 5-0!

Well done team Clockhouse, we look forward eagerly to the next match!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

More Sporting Success!

Our Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Sports Hall Athletics competition this afternoon at Hornchurch Sports Centre.

They all performed to their very best and as a result came a magnificent 2nd! Congratulations to each and everyone of the children who took part and well done to Mr Thomas who won the staff javelin throw!

We eagerly await the final results to know where we came overall!

Well done Team Clockhouse!!!

Collier Row Christmas Event


Do not forget the Collier Row Christmas Event that is taking place tomorrow evening.

​Children will be able to visit four stations throughout the town centre to complete a ticket to have their picture taken with Father Christmas at the library.

Throughout the evening there will be a variety of on-street festive performers and activities for all the family to enjoy.

Follow the link below to find out more!


Christmas Cake Sale

We are all looking forward to our annual Cake Sale tomorrow.

Please remember to send cakes into school, along with a small amount of money so that cakes can be purchased.

As always thank you in advance for your support!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Clockhouse Pupils in the Romford Recorder

Well done to Amelia, Isabella and Nathan Murphy who have been awarded the highest cub scouting award.

Follow the link below to read all about their achievements!

Reminders for Week Beginning 2nd December 2013

Thank you to those parents / carers who attended the E-safety workshops on Tuesday. We are sure you will agree the information that was provided certainly made you think!
We will be sending out some information about this later in the week.

Thank you also to all those parents / carers who attended the Year 5 Learn with your Child morning - we hope you found this useful and has helped you to provide further support for your children in their learning.

This week sees Year 6 complete their first Mock SATs tests of the year. These will be taking place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure the children get some early nights and come to school having had a good breakfast so that they can perform to their best.

Friday sees the Christmas Fundraising Day and the annual Cake Sale!! Please send any cakes into school either on or before Friday as well as giving the children a small amount to buy some cakes!

Have a good week everyone!