Please be aware of the June Newsletter which came home this week.
Saturday, 30 June 2018
The Dojo League
The Dojo League!
The Dojo League has continued this week, well done everyone for helping your class!
The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!
Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Scotland, Northern Ireland, USA and Canada who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 with France, Spain and Mexico just behind them in second place and Wales in third.
Key Stage 2:
A big well done to New Zealand who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Kenya, Uganda and Australia just behind them in second place and Argentina in third place.
A big well done to New Zealand who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Kenya, Uganda and Australia just behind them in second place and Argentina in third place.
Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

Sports Day 2018
Please be aware of the following four letters which came home regarding the various Sports Days happening before the end of this term. We look forward to seeing you there!
Not so good for attendance this week, a big push needed next week! The attendance winners this week are...
Great attendance leads to
Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!
A big well done to this weeks winners who are:
France - 97.24%
Brazil - 99.00%
Fiji - 97.00%
Brazil - 99.00%
Fiji - 97.00%
A huge well done to all three classes above who all have great attendance this week. Well done to Brazil who will receive prizes in Friday's Achievement Assembly for having attendance above 99%. A very well done to France who win for the forth week in a row.
Only 7 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - we can do better!
A further well done to Mexico, Argentina, Kenya, Japan and Australia who were the only class who had no children arriving late to school this week!
A further well done to Mexico, Argentina, Kenya, Japan and Australia who were the only class who had no children arriving late to school this week!
Whole school attendance for this week is:
Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school everyday and on time!
It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance.
Please remember that our school target is 96%.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Citizen of the Week
Citizen of the Week!
Reception - Louie S
Year 1 - Harry S
Year 2 - Sienna-Rose L
Year 3 - Abigail L
Year 4 - Ben C
Year 5 - Caitlyn S
Year 6 - Amar K-B
We have many fantastic citizens at Clockhouse and look forward to rewarding them!
Well done everyone!
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
London Youth Games call for successful Clockhouse Cricketers
Over the past few weeks Clockhouse have entered both their boys and girls sides into the Havering Cricket Tournaments. First up was the boys, with minimal experience in the side the boys managed to reach the quarter finals loosing to a very experienced Oakfield's side made up of hard ball cricketers. On route to the quarter-finals Clockhouse played some great cricket beating St Edwards with a score of 212 for 6 compared to St Edwards posting 206 for 7, Harold Court managed a total of 237 for 5 but were also beaten by the Clockhouse boys who pitched an impressive 265 for 1. Clockhouse the faced Newtons and batted well to win with a score of 288 for 1 compared to 238 for 1 an impressive margin of victory. Clockhouse's final opponent was Elm Park who scored 241 for 4 but were again beaten by a strong Clockhouse batting performance with a score of 275 for 2.
A great achievement considering the boys had minimal practice in preparation for the event.
The girls were next up to represent the school and just like the boys they managed to win their group stages a close up encounter with Nelmes, Clockhouse girls winning by 9 runs after some final ball dramatics. Clockhouse then outscored Langtons by 26 runs to win. Clockhouse then scored 291 without a lost wicket to beat Branfil. Clockhouse again batted well in their final group game posting a score of 288 again without loss to beat St Marys who scored just 223 for 5. In the semi-final Clockhouse met Engayne who are a well established cricket school. A great game finished with Clockhouse winning by 18 runs, both teams only loosing one wicket. In the final Clockhouse met a well drilled James Oglethorpe side who were devastating with the bat and despite some great fielding efforts Clockhouse finished runners up. Despite being a runner up Clockhouse go on to represent Havering at the London Youth Games.
Upon reflection Mr Yarrow said 'I want to praise both the boys and girls that represented the school. Both sides had minimal practise in preparation and to reach the quart final and final was great achievements. The boys were unlucky to come up against a school that regularly plays hard ball cricket and the girls were great to reach the final was a pleasant surprise but it just goes to show what you can do if you believe in yourself!'
The school will represent the whole of Havering at the London Youth Games event in Richmond tomorrow. WELL DONE TEAM CLOCKHOUSE!
Boys Squad: Harrison A (c), Ashley O, Kaylan B, Charlie B, Bobby I, Zach S, Uzzair R, Harvey and Alfie P
Girls Squad: Amar K (c), Katie G, Darci L, Rachel C, Layla S, Emily G, Grace D, Sophie L and Beth C
Good morning everyone
Just in case you are not aware, Clockhouse Lane is now fully reopened which should make getting to school easier.
Thank you to everyone for managing yesterday and to the support shown to the school at this difficult time.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
Just in case you are not aware, Clockhouse Lane is now fully reopened which should make getting to school easier.
Thank you to everyone for managing yesterday and to the support shown to the school at this difficult time.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
Monday, 25 June 2018
This evening
Good afternoon everyone,
I have just spoken to the police and the cordon is still in place. They have said we should plan that this will still be the case at the end of the school day.
We appreciate that it may be more tricky than normal to pick children up so please do not panic if you are a little late.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
I have just spoken to the police and the cordon is still in place. They have said we should plan that this will still be the case at the end of the school day.
We appreciate that it may be more tricky than normal to pick children up so please do not panic if you are a little late.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
Good morning everyone,
I am in school and Clockhouse Lane between the roundabout in the centre of Collier Road to Lynwood Avenue remains closed. I have spoken to the police and they still remain unclear as to how long the cordon will be in place for but it is likely to be at least for the rest of today.
I appreciate that it may be more difficult than normal to get to school this morning to drop children off or this afternoon to pick up so please do not panic if you are a little late. All gates at the front and the back of the school are accessible. As I said yesterday, staff will be available for the children and parents to talk to if needed as will I be.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding at this difficult time and in the meantime again our thoughts must go to the families of those directly involved.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
Sunday, 24 June 2018
Good evening everyone,
I am sure many of you already know about the terrible events of last night in Collier Row.
I have been to school this afternoon and have spoken to the police who have said that they are unsure how long the road will remain closed from the roundabout in the centre of Collier Row to Lynwood Avenue. I have been advised that there is no reason why school cannot open tomorrow so we will be open as normal and both back and front entrances will be open in terms of access.
I totally understand how distressing this is for everyone, expecially those living so close to the scene and appreciate that it may be more difficult than normal to get to school in the morning. Staff will be available for the children and parents to talk to if needed as I will be.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding at this difficult time and in the meantime our thoughts must go to the families of those directly involved.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
I am sure many of you already know about the terrible events of last night in Collier Row.
I have been to school this afternoon and have spoken to the police who have said that they are unsure how long the road will remain closed from the roundabout in the centre of Collier Row to Lynwood Avenue. I have been advised that there is no reason why school cannot open tomorrow so we will be open as normal and both back and front entrances will be open in terms of access.
I totally understand how distressing this is for everyone, expecially those living so close to the scene and appreciate that it may be more difficult than normal to get to school in the morning. Staff will be available for the children and parents to talk to if needed as I will be.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding at this difficult time and in the meantime our thoughts must go to the families of those directly involved.
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
Weekly reminders for week beginning 25th June 2018
Thank you to the parents and families who joined us on the Monday last week for the Celebration Assemblies of Argentina and Northern Ireland we are sure you will agree they were a lovely occasion and we look forward to seeing more of you at these events during the term.
Brazil and WalesBrazil and Wales continue with this years Celebration Assemblies on Monday, we look forward to seeing many of you there to celebrate all the learning that they have done so far this year. The assemblies promise to be a wonderful occasion if the efforts that the children have put into practising are anything to go by.
Brazil - 9.10am (Key Stage 2 Hall)
Wales - 2.50pm (Key stage 1 Hall)
Year 1
We look forward to welcoming our Year 1 parents for Learn with my Child on Thursday morning at 9.30am. The morning will finish at 11.45am. Please come for as little or as much as you can. Regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
Good luck to the girls cricket team who take represent Havering in the London Youth Games on Wednesday and goo luck to Year 1 and 2 Athletics Team who take part in the Quad Kids event on Thursday.
Letters that went out last week:
Invites to Celebration Assembly (Argentina and Northern Ireland)
Winners of Attendance and Punctuality Week (France)
Learn with my Child (Year 1)
Pirates and Princesses Day (Nursery and Reception)
Sponsored Walk including sponsor forms
Have a good week everyone!
Wales - 2.50pm (Key stage 1 Hall)
Year 1
We look forward to welcoming our Year 1 parents for Learn with my Child on Thursday morning at 9.30am. The morning will finish at 11.45am. Please come for as little or as much as you can. Regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
Year 5 Meeting for Parents
Parents of children currently in Year 5, please do not forget that we have the meeting on Wednesday (5pm) where the Borough talk to you about the process of applying for a Secondary School place for your child. This will take place in the Key Stage 2 hall.
Good luck to the girls cricket team who take represent Havering in the London Youth Games on Wednesday and goo luck to Year 1 and 2 Athletics Team who take part in the Quad Kids event on Thursday.
Letters that went out last week:
Invites to Celebration Assembly (Argentina and Northern Ireland)
Winners of Attendance and Punctuality Week (France)
Learn with my Child (Year 1)
Pirates and Princesses Day (Nursery and Reception)
Sponsored Walk including sponsor forms
Have a good week everyone!
For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link:
Saturday, 23 June 2018
Friday, 22 June 2018
The Dojo League
The Dojo League!
The Dojo League has continued this week, well done everyone for helping your class!
The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!
Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Scotland, Northern Ireland, Spain, USA, Canada and Mexico who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 with France and Wales just behind them in second place and Italy in third.
Key Stage 2:
A big well done to New Zealand who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Kenya and Uganda just behind them in second place and Argentina, South Africa and Australia in third place.
A big well done to New Zealand who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Kenya and Uganda just behind them in second place and Argentina, South Africa and Australia in third place.
Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

The attendance winners for this week are...
Great attendance leads to
Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!
A big well done to this weeks winners who are:
France - 98.92%
Peru - 99.35%
New Zealand - 96.21%
Peru - 99.35%
New Zealand - 96.21%
A huge well done to all three classes above who all have great attendance this week. Well done to Peru who will receive prizes in Friday's Achievement Assembly for having attendance above 99%. A very well done to France who win for the third week in a row.
Only 8 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - can we do better next week?
A further well done to Japan who were the only class who
had no children arriving late to school this week!
A further well done to Japan who were the only class who
had no children arriving late to school this week!
Whole school attendance for this week is:
Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school everyday and on time!
It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance.
Please remember that our school target is 96%.
Going Above and Beyond Celebration
Hot Chocolate with the Head!
As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children.
This year we are all working to 'Go Above and Beyond' to ensure our school is a fabulous place to be. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Mrs Pacheco, Mr Bottrill and Mrs Savidge will chose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to 'Go Above and Beyond'.
This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to 'Go Above and Beyond'.
Reception - Jayden A-B for trying so hard to improve his speech and being extra responsible.
Year 1 - Tristan W for an extra positive attitude to his learning.
Year 1 - Tristan W for an extra positive attitude to his learning.
Year 2 - Mia A for consistently working hard and completing extra learning at home.
Year 3 - Billy C for trying extra hard with his writing and producing some great pieces of work.
Year 3 - Billy C for trying extra hard with his writing and producing some great pieces of work.
Year 4 - Russell L for showing great commitment to school and his learning.
Year 5 - Georgia R for doing an amazing science project at home.
Year 6 - Charlie W for outstanding work in applying his maths learning to practical situations.
Mrs Pacheco - Lavinia N for doing extra research in her own time toward her learning at school.
Mr Bottrill - Nathan K for being a great Clockhouse Citizen and keeping our school environment tidy.
Mr Bottrill - Nathan K for being a great Clockhouse Citizen and keeping our school environment tidy.
Mrs Savidge - Jody W for trying really hard with his learning and make extra good choices.
Well done to all these children and all the other children who have gone Above and Beyond this week.
Citizen of the Week
Citizen of the Week!
Reception - Andrew G
Year 1 - Ellas R
Year 2 - Billy G
Year 3 - Emma S
Year 4 - Daisy W
Year 5 - Leah G
Year 6 - Harvey S
We have many fantastic citizens at Clockhouse and look forward to rewarding them!
Well done everyone!
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Year 1 visit to Southend
Year 1 had a fantastic day at the seaside earlier this term.
Well done Year 1.
They thoroughly enjoyed their time at the Sealife Centre and then got to play on the beach. Their behaviour was impeccable and they certainly were fantastic Clockhouse Citizens.
Well done Year 1.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Going Above and Beyond Celebration
Hot Chocolate with the Head!
As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children.
This year we are all working to 'Go Above and Beyond' to ensure our school is a fabulous place to be. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Mrs Pacheco, Mr Bottrill and Mrs Savidge will chose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to 'Go Above and Beyond'.
This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to 'Go Above and Beyond'.
Reception - Lily T for showing great determination with her learning.
Year 1 - Lainey S for showing great determination with her learning.
Year 1 - Lainey S for showing great determination with her learning.
Year 2 - Daisy B for showing initiative for her own learning without being directed by the adults.
Year 3 - Sumayra A for going the extra mile with her learning and putting in an extra effort.
Year 3 - Sumayra A for going the extra mile with her learning and putting in an extra effort.
Year 4 - Bonnie G for showing extra perseverance to improve her learning.
Year 5 - Mason V for showing fantastic persistance with his learning.
Year 6 - Jesse M for showing great improvement with his learning as a result if extra effort.
Mrs Pacheco - Emily G for being extra helpful in her own time.
Mr Bottrill - William S for going the extra mile with his home learning.
Mr Bottrill - William S for going the extra mile with his home learning.
Mrs Savidge - Leah G for working extra hard to remember all that she needs to help her with her learning.
Well done to all these children and all the other children who have gone Above and Beyond this week.
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