Thursday 1 March 2018


Good afternoon everyone

Thank you for your support during this tricky time.

Arrangements for tonight:

Nursery to be picked up from the front door.

Reception to be picked up from Mrs Baker's office at normal time.

Year 1 and 2 will be picked up from classroom doors as normal and at normal time.

Children in Key Stage 2 who are allowed to leave classrooms without parents will be let go at 3.10pm.

Year 3 will be picked up from the music room at normal time.

Year 4 will be picked up form Peru at normal time.

Year 5 will be picked up form Argentina at normal time.

Year 6 will be picked up from Brazil at normal time.

Staff will be outside and there will be signs.

Please be aware the access will remain via the driveway and front gates.

Please do respect the hazard tape and the coned off areas for everyone's safety.

Thank you as always for your support and cooperation.

Kind regards
Mrs Savidge

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the school staff in making the big effort to keep the school open. It helps the parents that have to work with their childcare issues, and shows alot of dedication to our child's learning. We'll done very much appreciated
