Welcome back to the new half term everyone!
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow (Monday 24th February). We hope that you all had a lovely holiday and are ready and raring to go for the new term ahead!
Please remember that learning starts as soon as the children arrive and everyone needs to be in school by 8.55am. Doors open at 8.45am and teachers are available from then. We really need to improve our attendance this term so please help us out by ensuring that children are in school everyday and on time unless it really is unavoidable!
'We are...' Week
We have a busy but exciting week with all the children taking part in our annual 'We are...' Week. Throughout the week the children will be doing lots of different things to inspire them about their futures. We have lots and lots of visitors coming in as well.
Year 5
As part of 'We are...' Week, Year 5 are off to Barclays Bank in Docklands on Friday. Please ensure consent forms are returned by Wednesday, if you have not done so already.
Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality
This week is our termly focus Attendance and Punctuality Week. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is in school everyday and on time! We really do need to work together to improve the children's attendance across the school and need your help to do so. Together we CAN DO IT! Look out for the daily updates! Who will win the top prize?
Non-uniform Day
Following the letter sent out prior to the holiday, Monday (tomorrow) will be a non-uniform day. For a small donation to raise money for Great Ormond Street the children and staff can leave their uniform at home to show thier support for Mys Ayling whi is running the London Marathon.
Spring Term Questionniare
The termly questionnaire for parents / carers came out via Class Dojo prior to the holiday and can be accessed using the link below:
As always we thank you for your feedback. We do appreciate that this takes time but your feedback is invaluable to us as we continually strive to improve the educational experience we provide for the children and families we serve.
Letters that went out week before half term:
The following letters went out the week before half term:
Competition Time - Name the Values Characters
Mrs Ayling's Marathon Run - non-uniform day for charity
OCA Newsletter
What are we learning next half term (Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6)
Mr Fresstone (Italy)
Look out for the February Newsletter coming out this week.
Have a good week everyone.
Mrs Savidge
For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link: