Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Day 72 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse

We hope you have all had a great day whether it be at home or in school! I hope you all found the video useful this morning and are finding this new way of communicating with you useful. If you do have any feedback please do share this with us. We continue to do our best to make this time as easy as possible for you all, if we can help in anyway please do let us know. We are only a call or message away! 

Those who have returned to school, had another great day which began with a welcome back Zoom assembly, all a bit strange but never the less the children certainly seemed to enjoy this different way of coming together as a community for assembly! I have to say a huge thank you to the parents for your understanding. It is tricky to get the children onto and off site safely but your compassion with this is so appreciated. Whether you have been at school or at home we have seen some great learning and we are so proud of the all. As is now the case on a Wednesday, tomorrow will be just 'Team Hawaii' in school. We are looking forward to seeing Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 again on Thursday and Friday as well as the new children coming back to us in Year 3.

Do not forget to take part in the London Virtual School Games and help the Havering Hurricanes climb up the table as well as getting your sponsors for the Sponsored Event OCA will be running next week - we need your help!

Please keep using #ourclockhousefamily with things that we are posting as a further way of keeping in touch. We might not be seeing each other every day but we are still one community who care for each other!

Our community - Our school - A family and a home for everyone!
Below is a picture of our Zoom Assembly. Who would have thought we would ever be doing this - making the impossible possible!
Stay safe and keep smiling 
Mrs Savidge

Monday, 29 June 2020

Maths Week Winners Announced

Well done to all those of you that took part in the Maths Week activities last week. 

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Scavenger Hunt who are - 
Nursery- Georgia S, Freya C and Alfie B
Reception - Maxim from Wales, Harrison from Scotland and David from Northern Ireland
Year 1 - Tobi from France, Isabelle from Italy and Lois from Spain
Year 2 - Amelia from Mexico, Oliver from Canada and Rachel from USA
Year 3 - Olly F from Brazil, Nathan from Argentina and Aania from Peru
Year 4 - Oliver from Kenya, Isaac from Uganda and Phoebe from South Africa
Year 5 - Jack from Japan, Aleeza from China and Balazs from India
Year 6 - Mihai from Australia, Elsie from Fiji and Chloe from New Zealand

Well done to you all, your prizes will be on their way to you soon!

A huge well done also to the children in Argentina who finished in 6th place in the Sumdog contest last week. This was out of a total of over 700 other classes! A fantastic achievement! 
Well done for getting Clockhouse Primary School on the Leader Board!

Thank you for embracing our virtual maths week, we hope you enjoyed it!

Day 71 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse

We hope you all had a lovely weekend, are safe and well and that the same is true for your wider family.  Welcome to another week of home schooling, for many of you this is once again full time but for some of you only part time. We hope whichever it is, you enjoy the opportunities on offer to you all this week with the first of our three themed weeks as we look towards the end of the term. This week, as many of you know it 'Let's get to know each other' week which provides the children with the opportunity to get to know their new teacher more and vice versa. We are really hoping everyone gets involved at this important time. Please be assured, on the days your child is in school, they will be doing the learning that has been sent home so there is no need for you to worry.

Well what a lovely day we have had! It has been lovely to see Team Hawaii (as always), as well as our regulars from Nursery and Reception but it has also been so lovely to see some faces from Year 2, Year 4 and Year 5. I know that the teachers were nearly as excited as me to see you back and I know they loved spending time in the classroom with them! Once again the children adapted quickly and got to grips with the changes that have had to be made (as did the parents) - well done all, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Well done also to all those of you working hard at home, I have seen some fabulous learning today and I know both your current and new teacher has been impressed with what they have seen.

Somethings to look out for this week
Whilst we are not together we are still busy planning things to try to keep you occupied! Things to look out for this week include:
  • The next Votes for Schools information and vote - all about celebrities getting involved in movements after the Marcus Rashford campaign
  • My weekly Tuesday video message
  • We hope to launch our final 'Mr Yarrow Challenge' this week 
  • Our next virtual Achievement Assembly - we are busy looking for our Home Learning Heroes for this week already!
Hopefully some of you have started to get sponsors for our annual sponsored event, if you haven't already started you have a week until we start! Don't forget! We need your support! 

Please keep using #ourclockhousefamily with things that we are posting as a further way of keeping in touch. We might not be seeing each other every day but we are still one community who care for each other!

Our community - Our school - A family and a home for everyone!
Year 6 had some fun making this video!
Stay safe and keep smiling 
Mrs Savidge

Help Clockhouse take part in the first London Youth Games - Virtual Games - Week 4 - Day 1

Dear Parents / Carers,

It is the first challenege of the final week of the London Youth Games Virtual Games.

Did you complete all the challenges last week?

Havering still aim to make the top 10 but we are currently 14th and need your help! Please share your challenge videos or comments on how you have been getting on! If you haven't started yet its not too late.

Today's challenge is running. Please see the Video from the London Youth Games website here is the link:

The LYG Virtual Games are open to all children and young people from London, who will compete across the twelve different challenges to earn points for their Boroughs. You do not need to be a footballer to complete the football challenge or a netballer to complete the netball challenge. All the challenges will come with suggested adaptations for space, equipment and ability to ensure they are as inclusive as possible. A leaderboard with the latest Borough standings will be updated every week, and after the final challenge, the winning Borough will be crowned the first ever LYG Virtual Games champions. Come on you Havering Hurricanes!!!

Individual prizes are also up for grabs. Parents are encouraged to share videos of their challenge attempts on social media using the hashtag #ThisIsLYG to be in with a chance of winning the weekly MVP (Most Valuable Player) award, the lucky winner will receive a pair of Nike trainers. Last weeks winner was a pupil from Havering so lets see if we can ger another winner this week! It would be great to see the #OurClockhouseFamily hashtag too! We would really like to see some of your attempts on the school social media pages and also on the London Youth Games social media platforms.

Also please find attached a challenge sheet explaining how to do today's activitiy and ways of changing the activity to meet everyones needs! Mrs Savidge might tell me off I have been out and done my mile run this morning so not got as much work done but I wanted to get my points in and support the Havering Hurricanes and get the challenge done! (Sorry, Mrs Savidge)

Keep up the hard work Clockhouse lets do our bit for Team Havering. We hope to see young Londoners coming together and backing the borough of Havering to become the first ever LYG Virtual Games champions!

For more information please visit the London Youth Games Website. https://www.londonyouthgames.org/virtual-games/
Or if you have any questions, please email info@londonyouthgames.org

Stay safe!
Mr Yarrow

Sunday, 28 June 2020

June Newsletter

Please be aware of the June Newsletter which can be found below as well as a link to a PDF version.

This also includes an important message to you all.

Weekly reminders for week beginning 29th June 2020

Good morning Clockhouse

I hope you are all well and are having an enjoyable weekend however you have spent it. A lovely week was had at school last week with more children returning to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. It continues to never cease to amaze us all how adaptable and resilient children are.

Well done to all those who supported the Havering Hurricanes over the last three weeks, you contribution has definitely contributed to the success of the Havering Hurricanes. Thank you also to embracing Maths Week, we hope you all enjoyed the activities that were on offer to you. If you have any feedback from this, please do let us know. We are always eager to improve and your feedback is so important in this.

What you all need you know:

·       There will continue to be school staff in school every day on a rota system.

·       The best way to contact teachers / school staff continues to be by messaging via Class Dojo.

·       The school phones will only be manned between 7.45am and 3.30pm. Please do not hesitate to call, even if it is only for a chat. If we cannot talk at that moment, someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please only use option 1, 2, 3 and 5, as other lines will not be manned due to the reduced work force each day.

·       Should your child be eligible for Free School Meals and moving forward you decide that you need support, please alert us in good time.

·       Please be aware, currently we do not have capacity to take extra children into the ‘bubbles’. Although it is highly unlikely that there will be any further capacity prior to the Summer Holiday, we will continue to review our provision as we go.

What you need to know if you are at home (this includes days when those returning are not at school):

·       We are very much looking forward to working with you virtually again this week.

·       For the last three weeks of the school year, we have decided to try to change things a little as we realise that it is only getting harder to keep motivated. Therefore for the next three weeks each week will have a different theme linked to things that we would normally be doing at this time of the year. This week the theme is ‘Let’s get to know each other’ and will provide the children with the opportunity to get to know their new teacher and their new teacher get to know them. Different challenges linked to the theme will be posted every day. Your new teachers (except Year 6 who will be working on their own transition work) as well as current teachers will be looking at this work so time to impress!

·       With increased children in school this week there will obviously be increased staff. This means that on days where staff are in school working with children a different member of teaching staff will be manning the classes Google Classroom and Dojo. As far as is possible this will be a consistent member of staff but with more children returning this week this may vary.

·       Our plans for our virtual ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions via Zoom are taking shape and we will be communicating these with you shortly as well as the clear expectations about using this platform. Please be assured these will be on days when the children are not in school unless your child is part of Class Hawaii.

What you need to know if you are coming into school:

·       We cannot wait to see more of you back at school this week.

·       For those children coming to school due to parents / carers being key workers etc., separate information has been sent to you via Class Story on Class Hawaii’s Dojo.

·       Each year group will be accessing a part time timetable as below. Please note there are some time changes to those already back at school. As I am sure you can understand this is due to additional families needing to get onto and off site and making this as swift as possible:

o   Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday (you know your days) – Nursery (Drop off 8.45 – 9.00 / Pick up 11.30 – 11.45 or 3.15 – 3.30). Entrance via the Driveway, exit via the front playground – follow the orange arrows.

o   Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday (you know your days) – Reception (Drop off 8.45 – 9.00 / Pick up 3.15 – 3.30). Entrance via the Driveway, exit via the front playground – follow the green arrows.

o   Monday and Tuesday – Year 2 (Drop off 8.45 – 9.00 / Pick up 3.15 – 3.30). Entrance via the Driveway, exit via the front playground – follow the blue arrows.

o   Monday and Tuesday – Year 4 (Drop off 8.50 – 9.00 / Pick up 3.05 – 3.15). Entrance and exit via the back gate.

o   Monday and Tuesday – Year 5 (Drop off 8.40 – 8.50 / Pick up 2.55 – 3.05). Entrance and exit via the back gate.

o   Thursday and Friday – Year 1 (Drop off 8.45 – 9.00 / Pick up 3.15 – 3.30). Entrance via the Driveway, exit via the front playground – follow the blue arrows.

o   Thursday and Friday – Year 3 (Drop off 8.50 – 9.00 / Pick up 3.05 – 3.15). Entrance and exit via the back gate.

o   Thursday and Friday – Year 6 (Drop off 8.40 – 8.50 / Pick up 2.55 – 3.05). Entrance and exit via the back gate.

o   School will only be open on a Wednesday for cleaning and for Key Worker children

·       The arrangements for waiting, queuing and circulation continue to apply. If you are newly back this week, you will get used to it and we will all be there to help you along the way.

·       Break times and lunchtimes will be staggered. Whilst lunchtime will be shortened, extra break times for each bubble will be implemented. Allocated areas for play will be given to each bubble.

·       All movement around the school will be in an anti-clockwise direction.

·       When dropping off and picking up we ask that you ‘keep moving’ and maintain social distancing by using the #ourclockhousefamily markers which have been sprayed on the floor. Any communication with staff will need to be via Class Dojo or via phone and only one parent will be allowed onto site.

·       You will not be permitted into the building and please do stand back from the door socially distancing from others. Please do keep away from classroom doors in order to protect the staff. Thank you for your understanding with this. The children will be ready and we will endeavor to get them out to you quickly when picking up.

·       Children can come to school dressed appropriately in uniform or in their own clothes, whichever is easier for you and for them. Children must come to school in clean clothes each day. Government advice says that when children get home from school they should change and wash immediately and clothes they have worn to school should also be washed immediately.

·       As the weather gets warmer the children will be spending more time outside. Please do ensure they have the necessary protection – hat, sun cream etc. as well as a water bottle.

·       A hat, water bottle, a coat (if needed), a packed lunch (should they be bringing one from home) and a pot of moisturiser will be the only things that will be permitted in school. Please leave book bags etc. at home.

·       We will be providing the children with breakfast should they want it.

·       If you wish your child to have a school lunch, which will be a packed lunch, please make sure that you sQuid account is topped up. The menu will be the same as last week. Lunches will be in the classrooms. The lunch menu remains the same as the last two weeks.

We continue to learn the new regime together and this week sees another new phase of the school re-opening so please to bear with us. Thank you so much for your on-going understanding.

Please keep sharing your pictures with us, we love seeing them and it really does brighten up our day. By sharing with us via class dojo or our other platforms, we will take this as your consent for wider sharing. If you do not want photos shared please do not send them.

We continue to miss you all so much and truly cannot wait see some more of you this week. This is not how school and education should be and none of us entered this profession to do it like this. Your resilience during this time as parents / carers is admirable as has the children’s resilience been. This time continues to remind us even more how wonderful you are, how important you all are to us all but ultimately what a privilege we have working with such a wonderful and supportive community – thank you Clockhouse.

As always, I am sure you will want to join with me in thanking those in our community who are front line and key workers and also our great staff team. Again we are so lucky to have such an amazing community who has pulled together during this difficult time.

Please look after yourselves and each other!

We are still one community and are here for you all.

Our school – a family and a home for everyone!

Keep smiling and stay safe

Mrs Savidge

Friday, 26 June 2020

Day 70 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse

So here we are at the end of week 14. Well done to you all for all the fabulous learning you have completed this week whether that be at home or at school. It is so lovely to see what you are all getting up to and credit to the our families out there who have done and continue to do so well during these difficult times.

To say we are excited to welcome more of you back next week would be an understatement. We really cannot wait. I am sure that many of you have already seen the next virtual tour that I posted earlier which is specifically for those in Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 returning next week. If you have not please click on the link below.

With more children returning next week, it may take us a while to get into the swing on things, so please so bear with us. Whilst in some ways it will bring more normality for us all, in others ways it is uncharted territory. We thank you for your support in this.

Highlights of the Week:
All your amazing home learning and the things you have been getting up to at home and at school are a highlight of every week and can be seen in the photos below. Other highlights this week have to be:
  • Children taking part in the Havering Youth Games - Virtual Games and an ex-pupil leading one of the events.
  • Having Zoom meetings with the parents and families of children who will be joining us in September in Reception, it was lovely to see you all.
  • Organising for more children to return to school.
These are just a few, there really are so many more! What has been your highlight of the week?

As you may have seen, today OCA (Our Clockhouse Association) launched this year's Sponsored Event. It is such a shame that we cannot do the traditional Sponsored Walk but at least this way we can come together as a family and do something for the school. We really do need to raise as much money as possible to support us in providing lots of wonderful enrichment activities for your children next year. Hopefully you can help!

Next week you will notice some changes to our virtual school and the learning coming home to you. For the remainder of the term we will be have a weekly focus so support the children getting ready for next year and finishing the current year. Next week is entitled 'Let's get to know each other'. We hope the children enjoy the learning set and all get involved - time to impress you new teacher! This learning will also be covered for those who are in school.

Please keep using #ourclockhousefamily with things that you are posting as a further way of keeping in touch. We might not be seeing each other every day but we are still one community who care for each other!

If you do have any feedback for us about what we are doing and how we can improve, please do let us know.

All that leaves me to say is, thank you for your continued support and kind words at what is such a difficult time for us all and from all at Clockhouse Primary School have a great weekend!

Enjoy the selection of photos below!
Our community - Our school - A family and a home for everyone!
Stay safe and keep smiling 
We miss you all
Mrs Savidge