Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Science Week 2023

We all had a great time taking part in Science Week!

We learned lots about connections and met a 'real' Scientist.

Click on the link below to see what we got up to - 

Year 1 enjoy sunny Southend

Year 1 had a fantastic day at the seaside and loved every minute of their day out.

They thoroughly enjoyed their time at the Sealife Centre and meeting lots of different animals and then got to play on the beach. Their behaviour was impeccable and they certainly were fantastic Clockhouse Citizens.

Well done Year 1! 

Year 2 have been busy!

Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about the Muslim faith.

As part of this they learned about Mosques and the different part of this important place of worship. To show their learning and that they had understood what they had been taught, they made these fabulous models of the inside of a Mosque. They were then able to explain why they had constructed them in this way and the features they had included.

Well done Year 2! 

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Happy Half Term Clockhouse!

From all of us at Clockhouse we hope that you have a lovely half term.
Please stay safe and look after yourselves.
Thank you for all your support this half term.
 We look forward to seeing you all and welcoming you back on Monday 5th June!

Friday, 26 May 2023

Dojo League Winners Key Stage 2

 The Dojo League half term winners!

A big well done to

Peru, Brazil, South Africa, Uganda, China, Australia, Fiji and New Zealand

who are this half terms Dojo League winners for Key Stage 2

Well done also to Kenya who finished in second place and Argentina, India and Greenland who finished in third!

A big well done to everybody for all the positive Dojos that were awarded last half term, there have certainly been a lot! There have also been lots of Dojo stars earned by those children who scored 100% on their Dojo for the half term - well done everyone!

Dojo League Winners Reception and Key Stage 1

 The Dojo League half term winners!

A big well done to

Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Italy, USA and Mexico

who are this half terms Dojo League winners for Reception and Key Stage 1

Well done also to France who finished in second place and Spain and Canada in third.

A big well done to everybody for all the positive Dojos that were awarded last half term, there have certainly been a lot! There have also been lots of Dojo stars earned by those children who scored 100% on their Dojo for the half term - well done everyone!

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all trying our best to 'Be Exceptional' in everything to ensure that our school is a fabulous place to be and the children get the best all round experience possible. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this and then they get to have Hot Chocolate with Mrs Savidge!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to 'Be Exceptional':

Nursery - Sophie A for her exceptional writing.
Reception - David R (Wales) for making exceptional progress with his reading.
Year 1 - Fabeha B (Spain) for trying exceptionally hard and showing resilience with her topic learning.
Year 2 - Oliver S-M (Mexico) for working exceptionally hard in history.
Year 3 - Mahreen C (Argentina) for exceptional work in maths and reading and trying hard to develop her confidence.
Year 4 - Rocco D (Uganda) for his exceptional determination with his maths challenges for the last two week - he’s got up to challenge 3 which is a big improvement!
Year 5 - Aviela C (Japan) for exceptional writing based on our book The Vanishing trick!
Year 6 - Macey C (Australia) for trying exceptionally hard to come out of her comfort zone to try new foods during our Mexican cooking.
Greenland - Lily M for her exceptional progress in all areas of learning particularly in writing.
Miss Ward - Riley L (Mexico) for trying exceptionally hard this week with his SATs and learning. He has shown resilience and kept going.
Mrs Reinecke - Elsie B (Italy) for working exceptionally hard in her science lesson to classify carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
Mrs Savidge - Olly S (Scotland) for the exceptional effort he is putting in to learn his words.

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to 'Be Exceptional' this week!

The attendance winners this week are...

Great attendance leads to 
great learning and progress!

Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!

A big well done to this week's winners who are:

Canada - 98.1%
Uganda - 98.4%
Australia - 97.0%

A huge well done to all three classes above. Well done also to Brazil for their outstanding attendance.

7 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - well done to those classes. 

A further well done to Northern Ireland, France, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Uganda, Japan and Australia who had no lates this week.

Whole school attendance for this week is:


Whole school attendance for the year currently stands at:


Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school every day and on time!

It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance. 
Please remember that our school target is 96%.

May Newsletter

Please be aware of the May Newsletter which can be found below as well as a link to a PDF version. 

Monday, 22 May 2023

Clockhouse Weekly Wow

Here is last week's Weekly Wow and as usual there were a lot of things to 'wow' about last week.

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2022-2023!

A huge congratulations to

Cruz C (Australia)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2022-2023!

He has really blown me away on the trip to Bournemouth. He’s been polite and respectful to every adult not just from school but those helping him at each activity on the trip. He’s always shown how responsible he can be by taking care of his room, making sure the other boys had eaten, cleaned up after themselves and were okay when they were homesick. It was hard to pick between nurture and respect so it’ll have to be all around excellence! 

Keziah F (Australia)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2022-2023!

She is a massive perfectionist and wants her learning to always be to the best of her ability (which it is!) She is hardworking, a model to the class and everyone always comments on how beautiful her written work is. She's been working hard for the last 2 years and really deserves this award.

Eliza S (Kenya)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2022-2023!

Eliza has continued to show the attributes of being an outstanding learner. She is always enthusiastic about her learning and shows a great interest in all lessons. Eliza has worked incredibly hard this year to become a more confident and resilient learner. In preparation of our times table check she has completed over 100 soundchecks and the progress she has made is shinning through in her work. You should be very proud Eliza, you are a role model to all in Kenya!

Aidan V and Azra K (Uganda)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2022-2023!

I have seen a vast improvement in your writing from the beginning of the school year. You work with such determination and resilience to continually take feedback on board to improve the quality of your writing and this is reflected in the work you are producing. You should both be very proud of yourselves. 

Kiki K-G and Amanat B (Brazil)
who has earned the Community Champion Award for 2022-2023!

These two girls have made an excellent effort to be kind to a member of the Clockhouse community in a different year group to them, who they had noticed might need some company at break times. They have taken it upon themselves to befriend them and include them in what they are doing and I am incredibly proud of how they have supported our school community in this way.

Tommy J (USA)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2022-2023!

This member of our class does not always find it easy to sit still and focus for long periods of time but he has made an incredible effort to concentrate and stay on task during our SATs this week. He has worked so hard and really tried his best and as a result has done fantastically in every test! I am so pleased for him that he has taken this chance to show off what he can really do, and all of the adults who worked with him this week are very very proud of him! Well done Tommy, you are a star!

Marlie A (USA)
who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2022-2023!

This member of our class is such a kind and caring person! She is always looking for ways to be friendly and helpful to her classmates, and to the adults as well. She is cheerful and sunny and goes out of her way everyday to make sure that everyone in class is included and has someone to play with. She loves to help other children with their work or their reading, but always does this in a way that is supportive and encouraging. She brightens my day with her excitement and enthusiasm, bouncing in to class each morning full of stories and questions - she is an absolute pleasure to have in my class! Well done Marli, you are amazing!!

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!


Reading Raffle Winners!

As you may already know, once again, this year we are holding a weekly Reading Raffle. Each time the children read at home and a message gets sent to their teacher on Class Dojo they get a raffle ticket which gets entered into the Reading Raffle draw. This takes place in Celebration Assembly on a Monday. 

This week we were overwhelmed with the number of people who entered. Well done to the following children who were this week's winners and are busy deciding on their prizes:

Key Stage 1 

Key Stage 2


Citizen of the Week

Citizen of the Week!

Well done to the following children who are Clockhouse Citizen of the Week for this week:

Nursery - Marshall D-M
Reception - Matteo V (Northern Ireland)
Year 1 - Filip S (France)
Year 2 - Max P (Canada)
Year 3 - Harold H (Brazil)
Year 4 - Lexi G (Kenya)
Year 5 - Jake W (India)
Year 6 - Iffa I (New Zealand)
Greenland - Mattas T

We have many fantastic citizens at Clockhouse and look forward to rewarding them!

Well done everyone!

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Weekly reminders for week beginning 22nd May 2023

A huge well done to Year 2 for working extra hard last week with their tests. We were all extremely proud of you. 

As the end of the term approaches, we have another busy week at Clockhouse - just how we like it! 

Science Week
This week sees our annual Science Week where the focus will be connections - look out for the children coming home with lots of exciting things to tell you as well as a special visitor to assembly on Monday.

Year 1
Year 1 are off to Southend on Wednesday. If you have not yet sent in money and consent forms please ensure this is done first thing Monday morning.

Year 4
We look forward to welcoming our Year 4 parents / carers on Wednesday for Learn with my Child at 9.30am - 11.45am. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.

Year 3
The Year 3 children will be continuing with their learning about The Greeks with a Greek Day on Thursday.

Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Author visit
Non Uniform Day OCA
Learn with my Child - Year 4 

Look out for the May Newsletter which will be coming home this week.

Finally from all of us at Clockhouse, we hope that you have a fantastic half term when it arrives on Friday. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 5th June.

Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge

For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link:
Clockhouse Primary School website

Friday, 19 May 2023

The Dojo League

The Dojo League!

The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class and for being fabulous Clockhouse Citizens!

The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!

Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Italy, USA and Mexico who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 Dojo League with France in second place and Spain and Canada in third.

Key Stage 2:
A big well done to Peru, Brazil, Uganda, South Africa, China, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and Australia who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Kenya
 in second place and India, Japan and Greenland in third.

Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

Year 6 - Awayers and Stayers

The children have had a great time at the farm and are now on their way to Fleet Services for some food.

The have had a great time but cannot wait to see you. You have some very tired children coming home to you.

Please follow the link below to see photos from the disco yesterday and some from the farm today.

Year 6 Stayers
The children had a great morning on the field and are now loving their time at the forest.