Friday, 31 January 2025

The Dojo League

The Dojo League!

The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class!

The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!

Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Scotland, Northern Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, USA, Canada and Mexico who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 Dojo League with Wales annd USA just behind them in second place.

Key Stage 2:
A big well done to 
Argentina, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and Greenland who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Brazil, South Africa and Fiji just behind them in second place and Peru and Australia in third place.

Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

The Dojo League

The Dojo League!

The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class!

The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!

Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, USA, Canada and Mexico who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 Dojo League with USA just behind them in second place.

Key Stage 2:
A big well done to 
Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and Greenland who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Peru and Fiji just behind them in second place and Uganda and Australia in third place.

Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

The attendance winners this week are...

Great attendance leads to 
great learning and progress!

Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!

A big well done to this week's winners who are:

Nothern Ireland - 99.0%
Brazil - 99.7%
New Zealand - 97.9%

A huge well done to all classes above. An extra well done to New Zeaalnd who win for the second week in a row. Well done to all three classes who will receive prizes for having attendance of 99% and above.

10 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - well done to those classes. 

A further well done to Nursery PM, Wales, Canada, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, India, Japan, Australia and New Zealand who had no lates this week. 

Whole school attendance for this week is:


Whole school attendance for the year currently stands at:


Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school every day and on time!

It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance. 
Please remember that our school target is 96%.

Weely reminders for week beginning 3rd February 2025

Thank you for your on-going support in all that we do. Another good week was had at Clockhouse last week and the children continue to work as hard as they can each and every day. As another week approaches, it is full steam ahead at Clockhouse!

Year 2
We look forward to welcoming our Year 2 parents / carers for Learn with my Child on Wednesday morning at 9.10am - 10.30am. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.

Year 5
The final meeting for the Condover Hall residential visit is taking place on Thursday at 5pm. This will be in the Key Stage 2 hall.

Good luck to the Choir who are off to the O2 on Monday to take part in the Young Voices event.

Good luck to the Year 3 and 4 Girls Football Team who take part in the Borough competition on Wednesday. 

Things to be aware of
It is hard to believe that it is nearly half term. We finish school on Friday 14th February and return to school on Monday 24th February. 

Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Learn with my Child (Reception)
Learn with my Child (Year 2)
VR Experience (Year 4)
Trip to Barclays Bank, Canary Wharf (Year 5)
January Newsletter
PE Newsletter
You said... (response to Autumn Term questionnaire)

Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge

For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link:

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Hungry for Humanities Week in action!

We all had a great time during Hungry for Humanities week! We all loved learning about the History of our local area and the area of Havering. We also had a great time linking this with our Geography learning!

We learnt so much and some us even went out to explore the historical and geographical world beyond Clockhouse!

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Day and Night with Year 5

Year 5 have been very busy learning about night and day and how this happens. 

They had a great time learning about this using globes and torches. Well done Year 5!

Janaury Newsletter

Please be aware of the December Newsletter which can be found below as well as a link to a PDF version.