Monday 5 February 2024

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all trying our best to go 'Beyond the Possible' in everything to ensure that our school is a fabulous place to be and the children get the best all round experience possible. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this and then they get to have Hot Chocolate with Mrs Savidge!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to going 'Beyond the Possible':

Nursery - Joseph D for going beyond the possible when helping his friends
Reception - Elsie M (Northern Ireland) for always trying hard to do her best and going beyond the possible.
Year 1 - Mahdi T (Italy) for going beyond the possible to always be a fantastic Clockhouse Citizen. 
Year 2 - Ellis B (USA) for being an excellent role model to his peers by showing a positive attitude to learning and working hard to reach his potential and in doing so, going beyond the possible. 
Year 3 - Liam M (Peru) for being a super role model for the class and going beyond the possible to help adults in the classroom. 
Year 4 - Imani A (South Africa) for a positive attitude towards learning and using the feedback given to her to improve her writing and go beyond the possible.
Year 5 - Isla S (India) continues to go beyond the possible by putting a fantastic effort into everything she does and by being an excellent role model in the class. 
Year 6 - Alessia P (Australia) for always trying her best, going beyond the possible and embracing new challenges.   
Greenland - Kareem R for going beyond the possible by beginning to join in with group sessions.
Miss Ward - Olly S (Spain) for going beyond the possible with his fantastic writing - he has tried so hard and is working really well.
Mrs Reinecke - Dylan M (Japan) for going beyond the possible with his excellent Macbeth speech and great presentation.
Mrs Savidge - Abeer F (Kenya) for showing a consistently positive attitude towards her learning and listening to and acting on the feedback given to her by adults. This ensures her learning is going beyond the possible.

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to going 'Beyond the Possible' this week!

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