It was lovely to welcome the community back to school last week and to hear about everyone's holiday.
Thank you for your responses to the questionnaire. We also hope the children enjoyed 'We are...' Week and they came home inspired. Finally thank you for the support you showed for Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week - well done everyone!
We have another busy week ahead.
Pancake Day
As we are sure you are aware, Tuesday is Pancake Day. School dinners will be accompanied by a special pancake desert on this day, if the children wish to select this.
World Book Day
We have lots of exciting things arranged for World Book Day on Thursday. As per the information sent out last week, children are invited to come to school dressed as a book character or in their pyjamas on this day to help celebrate World Book Day. If you child does not want to dress up they will need to come to school in uniform. We also look forward to welcoming you into school, when you drop the children of in the morning, to read with them. On Thursday there will also be a special dinner to help us celebrate World Book Day. Please see the information that came out last week for further details of the day.
On Tuesday we will welcome poet David Mason. He will be working with Year 4 in the morning and then will be carrying out a number of assemblies for the children Years 1 to 6 in the afternoon.
Year 2 and 3 are looking forward to a virtual author visit on Wednesday..
Things to be aware of
World Book Day £1 Vouchers
We have received World Book Day vouchers for all the children at school. These vouchers give children £1 off a book and are accepted at all participating book shops. They may also be used at the book fair at school in March. The Book Fair will be in school and open to you all on 20th, 21st and 24th March.
World Book Day £1 Vouchers
We have received World Book Day vouchers for all the children at school. These vouchers give children £1 off a book and are accepted at all participating book shops. They may also be used at the book fair at school in March. The Book Fair will be in school and open to you all on 20th, 21st and 24th March.
Letters that went out week before half term:
The following letters went out the week before half term:
February Newsletter
Early Years Newsletter
World Book Day Information and Menu
Pancake Day Menu
Natural Hostory Museum Trip (Year 3)
Have a good week everyone.
Mrs Savidge
For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link:
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