Friday, 21 March 2025

Weekly reminders for week beginning 24th March 2025

Well, it is almost impossible to believe that we are in the penultimate week of the Spring term and are coming towards the end of another successful term at Clockhouse. As always we thank you for your unreserved support in all that we do. 

Year 2 and 4
On Wednesday and Thursday, Year 2 and 4 have a great opportunity to work with Conductive Music. I am sure they will come home and tell you all about it.

Year 3
We look forward to welcoming our Year 3 parents / carers on Wednesday for Learn with my Child at 9.10am - 10.30am. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.

Year 5
The Year 5 children are off to Frameless on Wednesday. Please ensure that consent forms and payments are returned by Monday at the latest if you have not done so already.

Year 6
The Year 5 children are off to Imperial War Museum on Thursday. Please ensure that consent forms and payments are returned by Monday at the latest if you have not done so already.

We look forward to welcoming our Greenland parents / carers for Learn with my Child on Friday afternoon at 2.00pm. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.

Travelling Book Fair
Thank you to all those who visited the Travelling Book Fair last week. You have one last opportunity to visit and make your purchases on Monday after school. This will be in the Key Stage 1 hall. Please do take a look.

Our Clockhouse Association (OCA) - Mother's Day Sale
Following previous successes, OCA will be holding another Mother's Day sale on Friday during school time. All gifts will be £1.50. If you wish for your child to purchase a small gift please send them to school with a maximum of £3.00 so that they can purchase a gift.

Good luck to the Year 5 Football Team who will be taking part in a Borough Competition on Friday.

Things to be aware of
School closes for the Easter Holiday on 3rd April (4th April is a Staff Training Day). We return on Tuesday 22nd April. 

Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Mother's Day Sale 
Information from Havering Catering Service
Learn with my Child (Year 3)
Condover Hall Stayers (Year 5)

Please look out for the March Newsletter which will be coming out this week.

Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge

For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link:

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