Monday 3 June 2024

Our 3R's Winners

As you know, each half term the children choose a 3 R's aware winner for their class. This is an award which was devised by the children to recognise those children who consistently demonstrate meeting the 3 R's of Ready, Respectful and Responsible.

All the children below were chosen by their class this half term for continually demonstrating that they are 
Ready, Respectful and Responsible

England  Isabella S
Wales – Ralph G
Scotland – Elizabeth R
Northern Ireland – Hartej T
France – Charlie C
Italy – Nyla R
Spain – Chase S
USA – Alex H
Canada – Ariyan A
Mexico – Rrsa A
Peru – Michael A
Argentina – Yusuf A
Brazil – Guransh S
Uganda – Harry N and Rosie L
South Africa – Frankie S
Kenya – Olivia S
China – Jake H
Japan – Dylan M
India – Isla S
Australia – Hayley R
New Zealand – Asena N and Frankie B
Fiji – Lucas P, Eugen R and Lola S-E
Greenland – Harlie S

Well done everyone, a great achievement for great Clockhouse citizens!

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