Monday 24 June 2024

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2023-2024!

A huge congratulations to

Lana W (Australia)

who has earned the Respect Champion Award for 2023-2024!

I would like to nominate this child because of the way she asked such thought-provoking questions on our trip. Her curiosity and insightful questions started some great conversations and made all of us think more deeply about what we were learning at Junior Citizen. Lana's questions showed her eagerness to learn and encouraged more children to participate. She was also exceptionally polite and respectful to all the staff when she was in each activity and they commented on her manners.

Wahab R (Australia)

who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

This term, Wahab has truly blossomed, showcasing significant growth in both his learning and confidence. Initially quite reserved, he has gradually emerged as an active and enthusiastic participant in class. His newfound self-assurance has empowered him to engage more openly in discussions, ask insightful questions, and tackle complex problems with a positive attitude. Wahab's growth this term shows he's gaining a lot more confidence, marking a big step forward in his learning journey!

Charlie J (Fiji)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Everyday during the stayers week he has gone above and beyond to make sure another child was ok, talking him through his anxiety with so much compassion in a way I have never witnessed Charlie to do. His behavior has been exceptional and presented the school the best amongst the group, even on public transport and at the venues. He said please and thank you to every member of staff at the venues, the bus driver even the people on the trains that gave way to the children. Charlie was the first to ask if we needed help with cleaning the classroom after every activity  in class or to help get resources. I could write a further three pages of praise for him, these are some highlights. We are so proud of him and how far he has come this year and is so deserving of this award. 

Harvey C (India)

who has earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2023-2024!

This student never fails to be enthusiastic and engaged in his learning, no matter the subject. He is filled with excitement and always asks insightful questions, showing that he is thinking deeply about his learning. Recently, he helped to host our class celebration assembly and we were all really proud of him for this. I would like to recognise him for the excitement he brings into class India. 

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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