Monday 10 June 2024

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2023-2024!

A huge congratulations to

Lexi-Leigh G, Isabelle H, Isla S and Sienna O (India)

who has earned the Community Champion Award for 2023-2024!

These students are all excellent role models and they have made the adults at lunchtime incredibly proud by being ready to help their school community at any opportunity. They have taken it upon themselves to help to take care of and support different children in the playground at lunchtime and they have given up their own time to do so. We are very proud of them all and would like to nominate them to recognise their value of commuinty. 

David C (Argentina)

who have earned the Community Champion Award for 2023-2024!

For being so helpful at lunchtime and helping to keep our school environment well ordered and tidy. Thank you David!

Guransh S (Brazil)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

This child only joined the school several weeks ago, but since he has started, he has been a role model for others in his class. He is always thoughtful of others and checks that other people are okay. As well as to other children, he is also very respectful and thoughtful to adults round him and checks if they need any assistance. Recently, he took time out of his own lunch time to help another child with an issue they were having and continued to check how they are. He really embodies the value of Nurture, keep being you!

Jake M (USA)

who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Jake is working really hard in all areas of their learning.  He is happy to take risks with his learning and is becoming a more independent learner each day. I am impressed with Jake's dedication this year especially with his spellings and writing. He is a real superstar.

Aleyna N (Mexico)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Aleyna is a true asset to the class. She consistently demonstrates her kind and considerate nature. She is always willing to lend a hand, she takes it upon herself to look after peers and contributes to creating a warm classroom environment. She goes above and beyond to ensure the well-being of her peers. She is an inspiration!

Harleen R (Mexico)

who has earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Harleen consistently demonstrates a remarkable level of positivity and eagerness for learning. Her enthusiasm for learning is infectious and it inspires her peers to approach tasks with the same level of excitement. She is always ready to embrace new learning opportunities and to share her imaginative ideas. 

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!


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