Monday 15 July 2024

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2023-2024!

A huge congratulations to

Lucas P (Fiji)

who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Lucas has been amazing at spreading kindness and support among his classmates. He's the kind of friend who goes out of his way to make others feel better, like bringing cakes to class just to see everyone smile. He’s been super helpful in class with resources and stepped up on school trips and even at a family wedding, even though it wasn’t easy for him. Lucas is becoming more independent and loves helping others, and he's handling the move to secondary school with a great attitude. He’s a true example of nurturing and positivity, making him a perfect fit for this award.

Jody W (New Zealand)

who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!

 Jody has shown incredible enthusiasm and dedication for his wonderful work in his role in Shrek, learning his lines and performing on stage with great energy. His excitement and positive attitude have made a big impact on the production, showcasing his commitment to the performance.

Raees S (New Zealand)

who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Raees thoroughly deserves the Value Badge for Excitement due to his outstanding enthusiasm and dedication to his role in Shrek. He has done a wonderful job learning his lines and bringing his character to life on stage, captivating the audience with his energetic performance. His passion and excitement have been evident throughout the production, making him a true standout. 
Bobby D (Greenland)

who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Bobby has shown impressive patience and kindness when working with other children. He has supported them with their phonics learning and encouraged them in a positive manner.

Poppy S-R (Greenland)

who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Poppy is a model Clockhouse Citizen who displays excellence in everything that she does. She is respectful to adults and encourages her peers. She approaches all learning with a positive attitude and is an absolute delight to teach. 

Blake B (Brazil)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

This child is always ready to learn, and shows his excitement in all subjects. He always tries his hardest in each task he is set, and completes it to his fullest potential. He uses his initiative when it comes to learning, and always asks for feedback to improve his work. His growth mindset for learning is admirable, and is a model to Clockhouse. I'm so proud of how far you have come Blake!

Jacob L (Mexico)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

He demonstrates enthusiasm and dedication to his learning. He should be proud of his accomplishments this year. His positive attitude, resilience and determination can be seen through his achievements in all areas of learning. 

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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