Tuesday 9 July 2024

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2023-2024!

A huge congratulations to

Lily M (Greenland)

who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Lily always tries her best in every learning activity and has made great progress throughout the year. She has even taken learning home and practised key skills with her family. The impact of this has been clear in her work in class. We are all so proud of her drive and determination.

Isaac P (Australia)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

During our week in the Isle of Wight, Isaac left a lasting impression on all the adults with his exceptional nurturing and supportive demeanor towards all the other children. Beyond conquering his own fears, he actively encouraged and assisted others in overcoming theirs, creating a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. His consistent display of empathy, patience, and kindness throughout the week was truly remarkable and reflected his outstanding character. His ability to uplift and inspire his peers through his actions was commendable, and we are incredibly proud of him for embodying such admirable qualities throughout our time together. His presence made a significant difference, contributing to a memorable and enriching experience for all.


Lola S-E (Fiji)

who has earned the Respect Champion Award for 2023-2024!

During our week in the Isle of Wight, Lola impressed all the adults with her unwavering politeness and respectfulness toward everyone she encountered. Whether interacting with teachers, fellow pupils, or members of the public, she consistently demonstrated a remarkable level of respect and consideration. Her behavior set a shining example for others, showing how to treat everyone with kindness and courtesy at all times. Her thoughtful and respectful attitude made a significant positive impact on the overall atmosphere of the trip. Well done, Lola—this badge is truly well-earned and a testament to your exemplary conduct throughout the week. 


Emily S (Australia)

who has earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2023-2024!

During our week in the Isle of Wight, Emily impressed us all daily with her incredible courage and fortitude. She approached every activity with 100% effort and determination, eager to experience everything the trip had to offer. Her willingness to step out of her comfort zone and tackle new challenges was truly inspiring. Watching her succeed and witnessing the joy she took in each new experience was a real pleasure for everyone involved. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude not only enriched her own journey but also uplifted the entire group, making the week away an unforgettable experience for all.

Mujtaba W (New Zealand)

who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!

During our week in the Isle of Wight, Mujtaba impressed all the adults with his consistently calm, supportive, and helpful attitude. He approached every new experience with enthusiasm and gave his best effort, demonstrating a positive and encouraging presence. His kindness and willingness to assist were evident as he frequently helped both staff and peers, contributing significantly to the overall success and enjoyment of the trip. His dedication and compassionate nature made a lasting impression on everyone involved.


Connie S-W (New Zealand)

who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Connie has been awarded a values badge for Excellence in recognition of her exceptional dedication to caring for others during our school residential trip to the Isle of Wight. Throughout the journey, she consistently demonstrated a remarkable willingness to go above and beyond, ensuring the well-being and inclusion of her peers. Whether she was lending a hand with activities, offering support to classmates, or taking proactive steps to overcome challenges, her contributions were instrumental in making the trip a resounding success. Her leadership and compassionate nature were evident in every interaction, inspiring those around her and leaving a positive impact that enhanced the overall experience for everyone involved. Her commitment to excellence truly shone through, making her a deserving recipient of this badge.

Jacob M (New Zealand)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

 Jacob has earned a values badge for Nurture as a result of his exceptional care and support throughout our memorable trip to the Isle of Wight. His consistent attentiveness to the well-being of his peers created a warm and inclusive environment where everyone felt valued and secure. His nurturing instincts were evident in his willingness to assist with activities, provide comfort to those feeling homesick, and offer support to the teachers whenever needed. His dedication to ensuring the happiness and safety of others made a significant impact on the overall experience, leaving a lasting impression of kindness and compassion on everyone involved. His nurturing spirit truly enriched our journey, making it both enjoyable and unforgettable.

Elijah R (New Zealand)

who has earned the Community Champion Award for 2023-2024!


Elijah has earned a values badge for Community due to his exemplary dedication to caring and helping others throughout our week away in the Isle of Wight. He consistently went above and beyond, demonstrating reliability and a genuine commitment to supporting his peers. Whether lending a hand during activities, offering words of encouragement, or simply being polite and respectful to everyone, his contributions created a warm and inclusive atmosphere. His actions not only exemplified the spirit of community but also fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among his peers. his unwavering kindness and helpfulness made him a true asset to our group, deserving recognition for his outstanding character and positive impact on our experience together.

Logan W (Kenya)

who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Everyday Logan comes into school with a smile on his face and gives a warm welcome to all of his peers. He continues to show care and kindness to his friends when they are upset and will check in daily with me to make sure I am okay too! Logan keep being your positive, fabulous self, you brighten everyone's day. 

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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