Monday, 17 March 2025
Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!
who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2024-2025!
who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2024-2025!
who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2024-2025!
who have earned the Respect Champion Award for 2024-2025!
who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2024-2025!
This member of the class is always eager to learn and help her peers. She will work with those around her to help them when they face something challenging. She is always kind and ready to offer her time to support her class mates with their learning. Well done!
who have earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2024-2025!
This child always shows great enthusiasm in her learning. Since joining Clockhouse this year she has shown great curiosity and excitement in every lesson and has made great progress. She always shares her ideas and asks great questions to deepen her learning. Keep it up!
who have earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2024-2025!
The Reading Raffle!
Greenland Moment of the Week
Citizen of the Week
Citizen of the Week!
Year 6 - Valeria V (New Zealand)
Sunday, 16 March 2025
Weekly reminders for week beginning 17th March 2025
The Travelling Book Fair arrives at Clockhouse this week and will be open to families to browse and buy after school on Thursday, Friday and next Monday after school. This will be in the Key Stage 1 hall. Please do take a look.
Friday, 14 March 2025
The Dojo League
The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class!
The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!
A big well done to Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, China, India, Japan, Australia and Greenland who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Peru, Fiji and New Zealand just behind them in second place and Uganda in third place.
The attendance winners this week are...
Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!
A further well done to Northern Ireland, Wales, France, Brazil, Kenya, China, India, Fiji and New Zealand who had no lates this week.
Whole school attendance for this week is:
Monday, 10 March 2025
Hot Chocolate with the Head
Nursery - Jonathan A for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and being more independent.
Reception - Orhan R (Wales) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and producing some wonderful art work.
Year 1 - Erynn H (Spain) for channelling her Clockhouse Compass by always being kind and helpful to her peers when they need it.
Year 2 - Charlie C (USA) for working really hard. I am so proud of how far he has come and of the progress he is making. He is channelling his Clockhouse Compass.
Year 3 - Dylan B (Argentina) for his commitment to learning and spending his own time completing learning at home. He is channelling his Clockhouse Compass.
Year 4 - Ronnie S (South Africa) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and impressing us with his reading skills and determination which has led to him moving up two book-banded books.
Year 5 - Victoria J (India) because she has been working incredibly hard recently in all subjects and she has shown a real determination to be the best learner that she can be. She is channelling her Clockhouse Compass.
Year 6 - Shifa F (New Zealand) for her excellent effort and perseverance in her Maths lessons. She never gives up and always gives 110% to her challenges. She is channelling her Clockhouse Compass.
Greenland - Daksh S for his attention and focus during phonics sessions. He is working hard to channel his Clockhouse Compass.
Miss Ward - Amalie S (China) for channelling her Clockhouse Compass and showing great improvement in reading. She has come such a long way and shows eagerness to read daily now.
Mrs Reinecke - Lola P (Australia) for channelling her Clockhouse Compass and showing her incredible effort and determination to succeed in her Maths.
Mrs Savidge - Skyler S (Japan) for channelling her Clockhouse Compass and showing great resilience to improve her learning.
Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to going 'Beyond the Possible' this week!
Hot Chocolate with the Head
Reception - Janae F (Northern Ireland) for making wonderful progress with blending 3 letter words. She is channelling her Clockhouse Compass.
Year 1 - Maliyah C-R (France) for always channelling her Clockhouse Compass and making good choices, helping her classmates and being an excellent role model for the year group.
Year 2 - Alaya Z (Mexico) for always channelling her Clockhouse Compass and working hard to be independent with her learning in all subjects.
Year 3 - Yaqub A (Brazil) for showing resilience in all areas of learning and for using the resources in the classroom to further improve his learning. He is channelling his Clockhouse Compass.
Year 4 - Arlo P (Kenya) for improving his communication and letting adults know his needs and wants. He is channelling his Clockhouse Compass.
Year 5 - Affan R (China) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and working hard to make fantastic progress in his swimming lessons, moving up to the next group and showing great confidence in the water.
Year 6 - Archie G (Fiji) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and showing great resilience and working hard in arithmetic. We are all so proud of the amazing progress he has made.
Greenland - Ronnie F-R for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and transitioning independently between sessions using visual supports.
Miss Ward - Max P (South Africa) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and working so hard to improve his handwriting and presentation.
Mrs Reinecke - Miss Ward for channelling her Clockhouse Compass and supporting our whole community.
Mrs Savidge - Olivia M (Peru) for channelling her Clockhouse Compass and being very kind and helpful to school staff at lunchtime.