Friday 30 April 2021

Clockhouse Weekly Wow

Here is this week's Weekly Wow and as usual there are a lot of things to 'wow' about this week.

The Dojo League

The Dojo League!

The Dojo League continued this week - well done everyone for helping your class!

The dojo scores have been analysed and the results are in!

Reception and Key Stage 1:
A big well done to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, USA, Mexico and Canada who lead the Reception and Key Stage 1 Dojo League.

Key Stage 2:
A big well done to Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, China,  India, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji who are all in the overall lead of the Key Stage 2 league with Japan and Greenland in second place.

Well done to everyone for really trying to earn Dojos for their class.

The attendance winners this week are...

Great attendance leads to 
great learning and progress!

Congratulations to the three classes below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!

A big well done to this week's winners who are:

Northern Ireland - 99.7%
Uganda - 100%
Fiji - 99.3%

A huge well done to all 3 classes above for being the attendance winners for this week. Well done to Fiji who win for a second week in a row. Northern Ireland,  Uganda and Fiji will receive prizes in the Achievement Assembly next week. Both classes have had attendance of 99% and above this week - well done! A huge well done to Uganda for hainvg 100% attendance for the week, they will receive a non-uniform day in the furture. 

An amazing 14 classes were in the Green Zone this week with an attendance above 96% - well done to those classes! 

A further well done to Nursery PM, France, Italy, USA, Brazil, Peru and Uganda who were the only classes who had no lates this week. We are certainly hoping for a few more classes next time!

Whole school attendance for this week is:


Whole school attendance for the year currently stands at:


Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the
children come to school everyday and on time!

It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance. 
Please remember that our school target is 96%.

The Reading Raffle Winners!

As you may already know, once again, this year we are holding a weekly Reading Raffle. Each time the children read at home and a message gets sent to their teacher on Class Dojo they get a raffle ticket which gets entered into the Reading Raffle draw. This takes place in Celebration Assembly on a Friday.

This week we were overwhelmed with the number of people who entered. Well done to the following children who were this week's winners and are busy deciding on their prizes:

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As we all know, Hot Chocolate with the Head is an important part of Clockhouse. Obviously due to the current situation we find ourselves in, sadly it is not possible for us to come together to celebrate which is such a shame. However, we do not want the children to miss out and therefore the chosen children will get a special Hot Chocolate pack to enjoy at home! 

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all 'Going the extra mile' to ensure our school is a fabulous place to be. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this! We hope all the children enjoy their hot chocolate pack - send us a picture of you enjoying your special celebration drink!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to be 'Going the extra mile':

Nursery - Rosie T for doing really well with her Maths and Phonics.
Reception - Avery R (Scotland) for returning to school with a wonderful attitude and trying her very best.
Year 1 - Kuba Y (Spain) for working hard in school and at home to support his attitude to learning.
Year 2 - Poppy J (USA) for being ready, respectful and responsible and trying her hardest with all aspects of her learning. 
Year 3 - Tyler K (Peru) for settling in so well and working really hard in all areas of the curriculum.
Year 4 - 
Tristan W (South Africa) for showing resilience and completing his learning to a high standard.
Year 5 - Teddy M (Japan) for astounding maths and English.
Year 6 - 
Emily C (New Zealand) for showing outstanding resilience and effort in her learning this week - especially Maths and English. 
Greenland - Harlie S for making fabulous choices.
Mr Yarrow - Iris B (Italy) for being the first person in Year 1 to complete Mr Yarrow's challenge.
Miss Ward - Jack D-F (Greenland) for trying so hard to make good choices.
Mrs Reinecke - 
Ayaan J (Japan) for giving 100% effort in his maths and tackling challenging problems.
Mrs Savidge - Isla-Rae (Scotland) for great effort with her learning.

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to be 'Going the extra mile' this week!

Our treats are ready to go and we are looking forward to Hot Chocolate Friday next week to celebrate with more fantastic Clockhouse people! 

Citizen of the Week

Citizen of the Week!

Well done to the following children who are Clockhouse Citizen of the Week for this week:

Nursery - Aoife C
Reception - Riley F (Scotland)
Year 1 - Daisy S (Italy)
Year 2 - Oscar G (Canada)
Year 3 - Shakeel S (Brazil)
Year 4 - Ria A (Kenya)
Year 5 - Teddy M (Japan)
Year 6 - Jack W (Fiji)
Greenland - Teddy K and Jah-Kai L

We have many fantastic citizens at Clockhouse and look forward to rewarding them!

Well done everyone!

Thursday 29 April 2021

Marvellous map work in Year 1

Year 1 are very busy learning all about seaside's. This week they learnt lots of things about maps and used bird's-eye view maps of the seaside to recognise human and physical features.

They were surprised by all that they found!

Year 3's Amazing Art

Year 3 have really enjoyed learning about the English artist Barbara Hepworth. They are very creative and have learnt a lot about the artist and her style.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Clockhouse celebrates St George

Last week we had a lovely time learning about St George and why he is important to England. We all looked fabulous in red and white.

We also thought about our own school values and the fundamental British values - Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance.


Tuesday 27 April 2021

Year 5 become Victorians

Year 5 made a stunning start to their Victorian theme with a fabulous Victorian Day. The children enjoyed learning in the style of Victorians, learning games that were played there and lots, lots more!