Wednesday 31 August 2022

School Uniform

As you know, on Monday the children will be returning to school. This should be in full school uniform and full school PE Kit on PE Days. As a community we take pride in the fact that all our children wear school uniform and would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for the support they give us in achieving this. School uniform is one of the ways in which we encourage the children to feel a part of the school community. 

School Uniform
Therefore as we are sure you are now thinking about the children's return, please can we remind you all that when you are buying new uniform please remember that shoes should be predominantly black.
Please click on link below to see full uniform expecations and information:
School Uniform

Please note that the children in the Nursery do not need a PE kit.

Nail Varnish:
Please remember that nail varnish and make up is not to be worn by pupils, this includes nail extensions. Any designs that have been painted on during the holiday need to be removed by the start of school in September.

Please also remember that earrings should not be worn for school for health and safety reasons.

School Uniform Sales:
We have very limited new stock in school. As was explained prior to the holiday all online ordering needed to be done by 31st July. Online ordering will resume on Friday 30th September using the link below:

Please ensure that ALL uniform is clearly named.

Thank you in advance for your support in this matter.

Friday 5 August 2022

Autumn Term Dates

The calendar on the school website has now been updated with many of the dates for the AutumnTerm (and some dates for the rest of the year - including Inset and Holiday Dates).

Please go to the school website and click on Calendar Dates.