Friday 7 May 2021

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As we all know, Hot Chocolate with the Head is an important part of Clockhouse. Obviously due to the current situation we find ourselves in, sadly it is not possible for us to come together to celebrate which is such a shame. However, we do not want the children to miss out and therefore the chosen children will get a special Hot Chocolate pack to enjoy at home! 

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all 'Going the extra mile' to ensure our school is a fabulous place to be. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this! We hope all the children enjoy their hot chocolate pack - send us a picture of you enjoying your special celebration drink!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to be 'Going the extra mile':

Nursery - Azaan H for always listening well and being a fantastic role model to her peers.
Reception - Daniel K (Scotland) for always trying hard with his learning and for sharing wonderful dinosaur facts with us.
Year 1 - Andrea P-H (Italy) for always following the 3Rs and being a positive role model inside class and outside in the playground.
Year 2 - Eliza S (Mexico) for trying her hardest in class and completing some amazing writing based on 'The Princess and the Pea'.
Year 3 - Charlie G (Brazil) for making a huge effort in all areas of the curriculum.  He has come up with some amazing vocabulary in English and a lot of the children magpie his ideas.
Year 4 - 
Tommy H (Kenya) for trying really hard, developing his resilience and a positive attitude towards his learning.
Year 5 - Liam F (India) for creating a beautiful, independent piece of writing in English.
Year 6 - Archie R (Australia) for embracing OPAL and being a great role model. 
Miss Ward - Olivia S (Spain) for being super polite and showing great care for children and staff.
Mrs Reinecke - Gabriel V (Japan) for showing excellence in maths.

Mrs Savidge - Dylan B (Nursery) for going the extra mile in all areas of his learning.

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to be 'Going the extra mile' this week!

Our treats are ready to go and we are looking forward to Hot Chocolate Friday next week to celebrate with more fantastic Clockhouse people! 

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