Monday 12 June 2023

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all trying our best to 'Be Exceptional' in everything to ensure that our school is a fabulous place to be and the children get the best all round experience possible. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this and then they get to have Hot Chocolate with Mrs Savidge!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to 'Be Exceptional':

Nursery -  Aayrah U for her exceptional effort to develop her self-help skills.​
Reception - Narin E (Wales) for exception progress with writing.
Year 1 -  Elora (Italy) D for her exceptional handwriting and presentation in English.
Year 2 - Mrs Mann and Mrs Coulter for their exceptional efforts to support the children they work with as well as the wider team.
Year 3 - Tommy Y (Brazil) for making a real effort, both inside and outside of the classroom, to work on making positive choices and he has also begun to focus a lot more in class to produce more exceptional work in all lessons.
Year 4 - Harvey C (Kenya) for being an active member of the class, always willing to participate and share his exceptional ideas.
Year 5 - Katie A (Japan) for exceptional effort in her reading test this week. Her hard work is certainly paid off!
Year 6 - Alessya B (New Zealand) for exceptional effort and composition in her latest piece of persuasive writing in English. 
Greenland - Logan O for his exceptional listening skills when following two key word instructions.
Miss Ward - Leon L (Canada) for the exceptional progress he has made in all aspects of school life.
Mrs Reinecke - Billy B (Fiji) for his exceptional Design and Technology skills he displayed.
Mrs Savidge - Jai C (Australia) for his exceptional help and support in 'Time to Eat'.

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to 'Be Exceptional' this week!

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