Monday 22 July 2024

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2023-2024!

A huge congratulations to

Tilly C and Lana W (Australia)

who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

These two girls are wonderful Clockhouse Citizens. They look out for their peers and support them with respect and care. During sports day, they helped their peers join in with all the activities with enthusiasm, kindness and a maturity beyond their years. It was truly wonderful to see.

Eugen R, Arsenii C and Ben A (Australia)

who have earned the Exceitement Champion Award for 2023-2024!

The boys deserve their excitement badges for their outstanding, scene-stealing performances and infectious enthusiasm as the three little pigs in our production of Shrek. Their lively acting completely charmed the audience and brought even more energy to the production. They absolutely loved getting the laughs from the audience which was amazing to see!

Shakeel S (Australia)

who have earned the Respect Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Shakeel has grown up significantly this year, demonstrating a maturity and respect towards adults in all his interactions. Despite this maturity, he continues to maintain his great sense of humour, always bringing laughter to those around him. He is also respectful during independent learning and has worked hard to develop the respect he shows to his own learning (and himself!) which was evident in his SATs scores too!

Farah A (Australia)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Farah deserves a value badge for working so hard to learn phonics and become more independent with her learning. She’s shown real dedication and determination, making great progress in her phonics skills. Her growing independence is impressive as she doesn't always find it the easiest to work without an adult! Hopefully giving her this badge will show that can do hard things and motivate her to keep going. 

Safa H (Australia)

who have earned the Learning Champion Award for 2023-2024!

I have deliberately held off on nominating Safa this year as it has definitely been a year of ups and downs. However, I think we are finally there!  Over the last few weeks, Safa has demonstrated the value of learning by consistently asking insightful questions during class discussions, showing a deep curiosity to understand new concepts. Keep it up next year Safa and you will go far!

Harlie S (Greenland)

who have earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Harlie has shown a great level of maturity over the last term in Greenland. Not only has he excelled academically but he has taken on his role of being the senior member of the class with compassion and patience. He looks out for the younger children and encourages them to try new learning activities. The rest of the children will miss him greatly.

Jah-Kai L (Greenland)

who have earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!
Lily M (Greenland)

who have earned the Excitement Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Both of these fabulous children had the time of their lives at Adventure Island on Friday. Their enthusiasm throughout the day was infectious, they were so excited to try new things and kept the spirits of the staff and the children high with their energy! Lily tried so many new rides that she absolutely loved experiencing and Jah-Kai was such a joy to chat to throughout the day - we even continued this on the coach home!

William B (Peru)

who have earned the Community Champion Award for 2023-2024!

This person has made a huge contribution to our Clockhouse Community by working hard in his own time to design a thoughtful, colourful and unique logo for us to use as part of our 90th birthday celebrations.  It has been used on posters, social media and even on our beautiful key rings which means it has been seen all around our local community and helped encourage so many people to turn out and support us at the Summer fete despite the weather.
Well done William, you did a great job and really helped to support our Clockhouse Community!

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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