Friday 20 September 2024

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all trying our best to go 'Channel your Clockhouse Compass' in everything to ensure that our school is a fabulous place to be and the children get the best all round experience possible. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this and then they get to have Hot Chocolate with Mrs Savidge!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to 'Channelling their Clockhouse Compass:

Year 1 - Esme I (France) for always working hard and channelling her Clockhouse Compass so early on in the year! 
Year 2 - Domas B (Canada) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and working really hard on coming into school in the morning with a smile on his face and works really hard in class to listen to both his teachers and peers. 
Year 3 - Harper S (Argentina) for a positive start to the school year and for using her initiative and Clockhouse Compass and being kind to her class mates throughout the day.
Year 4 - Abdul R (Kenya) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and showing a great attitude coming back to school and putting his head down in every lesson to achieve his best. 
Year 5 - Ihsan V (India) for being an excellent example of channelling his Clockhouse Compass by being nurturing towards his peers in his classroom and for being an excellent role model over all. 
Year 6 - Asvigan S (Australia) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and using excellent vocabulary choices (including Flotsam and Jetsam) in English this week. 
Greenland -  Shayaan A for his impressive engagement in adult led activities.
Miss Ward - Theo B (Uganda) for working hard to channel his Clockhouse Compass and trying his best.
Mrs Reinecke - Jada N (Fiji) for channelling her Clockhouse Compass by working hard and showing great resilience in Monday's revision session. A great start to the year! Keep it up!
Mrs Savidge - Ethan B (Canada) for channelling his Clockhouse Compass and helping in 'Time to Eat' without being asked.

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to going 'Beyond the Possible' this week!

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