Monday 16 May 2016

Clockhouse Ofsted Inspection - tomorrow and Wednesday

Dear Parents/Carers

Coming home with your child is a letter that tells you that today we received the phone call from Ofsted to inform us that they will be inspecting Clockhouse Primary School during the coming 2 days.

As a school and with your support we have worked tirelessly to improve the school for your children since the previous inspection in February 2014, and I along with the staff and Governors welcome the inspectors visit to show them how far we have come in improving the school.

Of course the children have a huge part to play in the inspection process so please do speak to them about their behavior, manners, presentation, their learning and making sure they show themselves at their very best and their school. I know they will do you, us and themselves proud. You also have a part to play – if you have not done so already please complete the online Ofsted questionnaire, details on which can be found attached. Please also take the time to speak to the inspectors if you see them around the school to tell them I hope, about all the positive things that happen at Clockhouse.

Please do take the time to complete the parents questionnaire using the link below:

Please also encourage your children to complete their questionnaire about their school following the link below:

In advance, I thank you for your help and support over the next two days and look forward to sharing the outcome of the inspection with you in the near future!

Yours sincerely

Mrs J Collard

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