Friday 11 February 2022

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have our next Clockhouse Value Champion!

A huge congratulations to

Skyler S (USA)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2021-2022!

Skyler has been working so hard on her number bonds. She has taken the initiative herself to practise at home with her mum and dad and this has really paid off. She has also worked so, so hard to improve her writing demonstrating great determination and resilience.

Tobi L (Argentina)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2021-2022!

Tobi is such an enthusiastic, caring and responsible person, with the kindest heart. If I listed all of the things he does for others in and out of class it would be endless. So here is a little insight into Tobi's day: he checks in with me to make sure I'm ok, he checks in to make sure all of his peers are here and all ready for the day, always a helping hand for giving out resources, ensures his group/table are ok and that the class are on track with their learning about ALWAYS making sure no one is left out and treated fairly. If somebody is finding something difficult in class he is the first one there giving them a helping hand, he helps me out when I have forgotten something and even reminds me of things, he is always engaged with his learning and always want to try his best as well as wanting to ensure his peers are trying their best. As well as having fun at break and lunch time - and somehow after all that he still manages to complete his work to such a high standard! I really don't know how he fits it all in sometimes. We are so privileged to have him as a part of our team!

Ria A (Japan)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2021-2022!

Ria strives for excellence within all subjects, she often relates back to her steps to success and asks whether she has completed all of the objectives for the lesson. She is always looking to make the ordinary extraordinary. She is a true Clockhouse super star!

Jessica P (India)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2021-2022!

Miss Spencer has never known a child with such high standards! She understands the importance of taking pride in her work and this comes across in her books, speaking to her about her learning and when she is working in groups in every area of the curriculum. She takes everything in her stride and loves to learn! She is a pleasure to have in class and a model of excellence to her peers 

Lucia B (New Zealand)
who has earned the Community Champion Award for 2021-2022!


Every week, Lucia gets up extra early to give up her own time to come in and help to teach and support younger children with their gymnastics skills. She really enjoys doing this and her inspiration, commitment and motivation to help others are wonderful examples of how to help others within the community. 

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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