Friday 20 May 2022

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have our next Clockhouse Value Champions!

A huge congratulations to

Zofia U (France)
who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2021-2022!

Zofia is very kind and considerate to our class members. She encourages them to play with others in the playground, gets them a snack at break if they want them, and when she is working in pairs and groups she makes sure they understand what they are doing and to stay on task. All the adults in the class have seen the positive impact that this has had on these children and exemplifies the nurturing value at the school. 

Lottie P (USA)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2021-2022!

 Lottie has got such a positive attitude towards her learning and has been so focused in all areas of the curriculum this year. She always does her best and continuually tries to do better. She asks an adult for feedback and acts upon it in order to improve herself. 

Oliver L (USA)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2021-2022!

Olly applies his learning outside the classroom, tells his family and friends what he has learnt and does extra reading to develop his understanding further, for example we were learning about how Muslims pray and he saw a Muslim praying - he explained to his parents what that person was doing and that we should be respectful. He has done his own reading about castles and has written notes from what he has read about castles to help inform his learning at school.

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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