Tuesday 6 December 2022

Hot Chocolate with the Head

As you all know we are constantly striving to improve Clockhouse for your children. 

This year we are all trying our best to 'Be Exceptional' in everything to ensure that our school is a fabulous place to be and the children get the best all round experience possible. Each week, the Heads of Year as well as Miss Ward, Mrs Reinecke and Mrs Savidge choose a person (child or adult) who has been seen to do this and then they get to have Hot Chocolate with Mrs Savidge!

This week the following Clockhouse Citizens have been seen to 'Be Exceptional':

Reception - Daisy C (Wales) for trying exceptionally hard to improve her writing.
Year 1 - Jack J (France) being an exceptional role model to others and trying so hard when preparing for the Christmas Concert.
Year 2 - Freya C (Mexico) for making exceptional links between her learning in class and her home learning project.
Year 3 - Theo L (Peru) for enthusiastic learning and exceptional application of his new understanding in History, explaining the purpose of hillforts. Not only applying his knowledge but also writing and punctuating to a good standard and taking pride in his work.
Year 4 - Amelia R (Uganda) for her exceptional effort to push herself with her learning, striving for improvement and completing extra work at home to support with her understanding.
Year 5 - Natalie N (China) for making an exceptional effort to try her best which has resulted in in her making great progress in maths recently. 
Year 6 - Damien R (Australia) for his exceptional feedback to Miss Wilson about French and how he uses taught strategies to learn a new language. 
Greenland - Grace P for working exceptionally hard to increase her independence across the curriculum.
Miss Ward - Daksh S (Greenland) for his exceptional writing skills.  He is able to write short words with independence and know what they words mean.  He is really showing his ability with his learning. 
Mrs Reinecke - Daria L (China) for exceptional resilience with her maths learning.
Mrs Savidge - Alfie N (South Africa) for exceptional determination to achieve with his learning. 

Well done to all these children and all the other children who have been seen to 'Be Exceptional' this week!

We loved having hot chocolate with Mrs Savidge!

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