Monday 9 October 2023

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2023-2024!

A huge congratulations to

Lucas P (Fiji)

who has earned the Community Champion Award for 2023-2024!

We have worked really hard on making sure that Lucas comes to school fully dressed and gets out of the car with no problems. He has managed to do this 20 days in a row!! We are sooo proud of him and he looks so fabulous in the Clockhouse community in his uniform! Well done Lucas!! 

Tilly C (Australia)

who has earned the Respect Champion Award for 2023-2024!

She’s an absolute delight to teach - she is hardworking, kind and considerate of others and is a great example of what respect should look like in our classroom. Well done Tilly, keep it up!

Arooshay A (Fiji)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

She is so caring and always puts others feelings before her own. She goes out of her way to help me and her peers and will go above and beyond to make people feel welcomed and smile. Well done Arooshay!

Lexi G and Isabelle H (India)

who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2023-2024!

Since the start of the year these two children have made me so proud with how nurturing they are. Whenever one of their classmates is upset, worried or seems to be lonely, they are the first two children to go over to them and do anything they can to help. They also do anything they can to put a smile on all of the adult's faces too! They are both warm, kind-hearted people and are amazing role models for what a nurture champion should be. 

David M (Kenya)

who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2023-2024!

David has had a wonderful start to Year 4. He comes into school every day with a positive attitude, polite manners and a willingness to learn. He regularly tells the class his new and exciting facts that he has learnt at home. He is pleasure to have in class Kenya and an exceptional Clockhouse Citizen. You should be very proud of all your hard work! 

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!


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