Tuesday 2 May 2023

Time to CELEBRATE - Value Champion Alert!

We are very excited and pleased to share with you that we have more Clockhouse Value Champions of 2022-2023!

A huge congratulations to

Molly J (New Zealand)
who has earned the Learning Champion Award for 2022-2023!

It has been amazing watching Molly learn this term. Her confidence has grown in leaps and bounds and her focus to her learning is amazing to see. I hope this new found confidence continues throughout the rest of the year and into her next school as if she keeps it up then I know there will be nothing that she cannot achieve. 

Emily S (New Zealand)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2022-2023!

I have been really impressed with Emily's work ethic; none more so than with her writing. Her confidence in this particular area has been amazing to watch and the pieces of writing that she constructs are a joy to read. She listens well to advice and puts the new points she is given into practise to create compositions that showcase her writing ability.

Raees S (Japan)
who has earned the Respect Champion Award for 2022-2023!

Whilst on our trip to Condover Hall, Raees was an outstanding and exceptional Clockhouse role model. He was so polite to all staff at Condover, the bus driver and anyone else he encountered. He listened brilliantly to all instructions and never had to be told twice. He gave all the activities a go but was so supportive of his peers and encouraged them. He was an absolute delight to have with us and I am one very proud teacher! Well done Raees!

Harris A (Japan)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2022-2023!

He was an absolute delight in our trip away. He never gave up even when he was faced with his fears. He conquered the aerial trek even though he was frightened and even asked to go again because he enjoyed it that much! He was so polite to all adults including the staff at Condover and it was so lovely to see his confidence go as he realised he can do so much when he puts his mind to it! Well done Haris, I am so proud of you!

Ruby T (South Africa)
who has earned the Nurture Champion Award for 2022-2023!

She will go above and beyond to ensure those around her are happy and safe. She strongly believes in what is right and will fight for it even though she feels scared and anxious if things may not go her way. She never gives up. Thank you for being such a kind friend and a great Clockhouse Citizen.

Rayyan R (Mexico)
who has earned the Respect Champion Award for 2022-2023!

Throughout his time in Year 2, he has always shown respect to all adults as well as children in his class.  He listens well, is always ready for learning, beautiful manners and has an amazing attitude for learning.  He deserves to be recognised for his high regard and respect for others. 

Freya C (Mexico)
who has earned the Excellence Champion Award for 2022-2023!

She shows such hard work and commitment to our Clockhouse family and represented the school at the mini marathon.  She was amazing completing this and should be extremely proud of herself.

A huge well done from everyone at Clockhouse - wear your Values Champion Badge with pride!

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