Friday 5 February 2021

Day 24 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse

Well, that is that for another week of Home Schooling and you all now have 2 days off - I can hear the sigh of relief across Collier Row! I hope you have all had the best week possible. Keep spinning those plates and juggling those balls. The staff and I have spoken to a number of you this week and know how hard some of you are finding it. I know it may feel like you are the only one but I do promise you, you are not. Each day we get though is a day closer to some normality returning and the children coming back to school.
Great news everyone! Your uptake on Zoom went from 91% to 93% which is beyond amazing - thank you all. It really does show your absolute commitment to supporting your child's learning - well done all. Well done also to all those who are sending work in for the teacher's to mark and give you feedback, this is even higher than 93% - truly FABULOUS! Keep going team. Let's see if we can improve again next week!
Well done to Team Hawaii who have continued to make the most of a very different school experience! They have been doing lots of learning just the same as those at home and have enjoyed seeing many friendly faces on Zoom.
I hope you all enjoyed Achievement Assembly this morning and Hot Chocolate with the head. Please do keep displaying and sending your hearts in. Remember our teams are out on the streets looking for these! Next week we are going to see how far we can get the heart challenge - do you know anyone who lives a long way away who can get involved? Send us your photos and let us know how far our heart challenge has reached!

Has anyone spotted a Keystone / Clockhouse board around? Watch this space for a half term challenge from OCA. 

Please do have a rest and do some fun things so that you are ready, refreshed and ready to go again on Monday.  As always, all that leaves me to say is, thank you for your continued support and kind words at what is such a difficult time for us all. From all at Clockhouse have a great weekend at home! A big round of applause and thank you for our wonderful community.

Have a good one!
Enjoy the selection of photos below!
Our community - Our school - A family and a home for everyone!
Stay safe and keep smiling 
Mrs Savidge


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