Friday 12 February 2021

Day 29 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse

Well here we are at the end of the first half term of 2021! It probably has seemed like the longest 6 weeks ever in some ways but also such a quick half term. With half term here there are just a few things to say - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. 

Thank you for everything you have all done this half term!

Thank you for becoming teachers over night!

Thank you for battling through Zoom and Google Classroom!

Thank you for supporting the children and staff!

Thank you for believing in us and trusting us!

Thank you for being with us all the way!

Thank you for all the lovely comments you supportive words you have sent us.

And finally...

Thank you for just be you, the wonderful, supportive Clockhouse community that you are!

Now go and have the best half term possible and make the most of it. Remember to have a go at the OCA in conjunction with Keystones challenge - we would love to see some pictures of you getting involved.

We look forward to seeing you back on Zoom on Monday 22nd February. 

Have a good one! You know where we are if you need us.
Enjoy the selection of photos below!
Our community - Our school - A family and a home for everyone!
Stay safe and keep smiling 
Mrs Savidge

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