Tuesday 5 January 2021

Day 1 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse
I hope you are all doing well. Sorry for the late update but it has been a rather busy day! I did rather hope that I would not be in a position to start these daily updates again but here I am! 
A huge well done to all those who made in onto Zoom today and thank you for your very positive feedback. I know it is not ideal but it was so lovely for the staff to connect with you and for the children to connect with each other. I know the staff are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Well done also for engaging in Google Classroom and Dojo. Your amazing efforts and those of the children have not gone unnoticed at this difficult time. It is so impressive to see so many of you trying to support your children and the school. Keep going and thank you! 
The staff are working extensively to answer any questions that are coming through and at times the Dojo has gone slightly crazy. Please excuse us if we are a little slow but as you can appreciate there are an incredible number of messages. It would be remiss of me at this point, not to recognise the incredible efforts that the staff have gone to in order for this to be up and running so efficiently and so quickly. I am sure you join with me in thanking them. We will get into the new routine and things will settle down.
Whilst learning is very different to the last Lockdown as you can see and as I explained in my virtual newsletter this morning, we are still going to be setting some fun challenges so watch this space and are currently thinking of things to do to entertain you, make this hard time a bit easier, give you something to make you all smile and make this a memorable and positive time (as much as it can be).
We are very much looking forward to welcoming Team Hawaii tomorrow and will be ready and waiting for you all at 8.45. Please do not arrive if your place has not been confirmed. For the rest of you, the staff look forward to seeing you on Zoom bright and early.
In the meantime if you need us, please do get in touch and please know that we are thinking of all those in our community who are not well at the moment. Please stay safe and keep smiling!
Well done everyone, a great start!
#ourclockhousefamily - please do use this as a further way of keeping in touch. We might not be seeing each other every day but we are still one community who care for each other!
The picture below is so true at this time - some good advice for us all!
Mrs Savidge

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