Wednesday 29 April 2020

Day 28 of the Clockhouse Family

Good evening Clockhouse

I hope you have had a good day, hopefully the weather will improve again soon. Gloomy days certainly don't help the moods of little people, or big people for that matter! Despite this, we have received some great pictures of what you have been up to and are very impressed. We have very many talented children and parents alike. Well done team!

Well done to all of those who have sent the video for the toilet roll challenge - please keep them coming. You have until the end of tomorrow to get your videos in. Well done also to all those who have stepped up to the challenge of the day and who have already committed to doing the 'Reach 1000' Challenge and raising money for this much needed cause - thank you. 

Well done to all the artists who are out there who have already sent in pictures for Queens Hospital, please keep sending them. Please can we have these by Friday so that we can get them ready for collection.

In school, the children have been busy, they completed their Google Classroom learning and despite the weather have enjoyed some foam painting, decorating dohughnuts amongst other things. 'Team W1' have been working with the children and supporting the community. Miss Everingham has worked with Nursery, Reception and Year 1. Miss Ward with Year 2, 3 and 4 and Miss Wilson with Year 5 and 6. They have been supported by Mrs Jackson, Miss Whitlock and Mrs Smith. Mrs Newman has been in the office and we also had Mr Gary and Mr Ron with us. I have also been in school.

Don't forget
Year 3 do not forget that it is your Greek Day - costumes at the ready. Get the family involved if you can!
I will be hosting our first virtual Achievement Assembly at 9.10am.

Look out for an art lesson with Mrs Reinecke coming your way soon!

Please be aware that tomorrow morning the teachers will be having a virtual staff meeting in the morning so if responses on Dojo and Google Classroom are not as quick as normal this is why and staff will respond once the meeting is finished. Thank you in advance for your help and understanding with this.

Please keep using #ourclockhousefamily with things that we are posting as a further way of keeping in touch. We might not be seeing each other every day but we are still one community who care for each other!

Our community - Our school - A family and a home for everyone!
I am sure some of the children will recognise the characters in the picture.
Stay safe and keep smiling 
Mrs Savidge

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