Sunday 7 June 2020

Weekly reminders for week beginning 8th June 2020

Good morning Clockhouse
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the first week of the new half term wherever you have spent it. It was absolutely lovely to see some more children back at school last week. This provided us with a little bit of something closer to normal and whilst ‘normal’ is certainly a long way off, it gave us some hope that things are moving in a positive direction. To all those who did come back well done and thank you for your positive comments, support and understanding. Well done also to all those who are at home learning with families and having some fun along the way – your fabulous pictures are impressive, keep up the great work. I also know that the teachers enjoyed speaking to many of you last week, it is lovely for us to hear your voices and hear what you have been up to. As last week I have split the message into three parts for ease of reference:
·       What you all need to know
·       What you need to know if you are at home
·       What you need to know if you are coming into school.
What you all need you know:
·       There will continue to be school staff in school every day with our new rota system continuing.
·       The best way to contact teachers / school staff is messaging via Class Dojo.
·       The school phones will only be manned between 7.45am and 3.30pm. Please do not hesitate to call, even if it is only for a chat. If we cannot talk at that moment, someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please only use option 1, 2, 3 and 5, as other lines will not be manned due to the reduced work force each day.
·       We will continue to ask for a weekly return from those key workers who may need child care for the next week, please do let us know in good time if you have not done so already.
·       Should your child be eligible for Free School Meals and moving forward you decide that you need support, please alert us in good time.
·       Please be aware, currently we do not have capacity to take extra children into the ‘bubbles’. We will be reviewing our provision as we go and will continue to communicate with you what might change moving forward in a timely manner. We are currently awaiting further information from the government also but have no indication as to when this will be received.
What you need to know if you are at home (this includes days when those returning are not at school):
·       We are very much looking forward to working with you virtually this week.
·       Work on Google Classroom will resume tomorrow and you will also receive the weekly learning sheet. This will be a ‘new normal’ week for you with everything coming out etc.
·       Please be aware that on days when staff are in school working with children a different member of teaching staff will be manning the classes Google Classroom and Dojo. As far as is possible this will be a consistent member of staff.
What you need to know if you are coming into school:
·       We are very much looking forward to seeing you back at school this week.
·      For those children coming to school due to parents / carers being key workers etc., separate information has been sent to you via Class Story on Class Hawaii’s Dojo.
·   Each year group returning will be accessing a part time timetable as follows:
o   Monday and Tuesday - Nursery (Drop off 8.45 – 9.00 / Pick up 11.30 – 11.45)
o   Monday and Tuesday – Reception (Drop off 9.00 – 9.15 / Pick up 3.15 – 3.30)
o   Thursday and Friday – Year 1 (Drop off 9.00 – 9.15 / Pick up 3.15 – 3.30)
o   Thursday and Friday – Year 6 (Drop off 8.40 – 8.55 / Pick up 2.55 – 3.10)
o   If you can arrive as close to the earlier time as possible to the start time that would be most helpful, thank you for your help in this matter.
o   School will only be open on a Wednesday for cleaning and for Key Worker children
·       The same arrangements for waiting, queuing and circulation continue to apply.
·       Break times and lunchtimes will be staggered. Whilst lunchtime will be shortened, extra break times for each bubble will be implemented. Allocated areas for play will be given to each bubble.
·       All movement around the school will be in an anti-clockwise direction.
·  When dropping off and picking up we ask that you ‘keep moving’ staying 2m apart using the #ourclockhousefamily markers which have been sprayed on the floor. Any communication with staff will need to be via Class Dojo or via phone.
·       You will not be permitted into the building and please do stand back from the door and 2 meters apart from others. Please do keep away from classroom doors in order to protect the staff. Thank you for your understanding with this. The children will be ready and we will endeavor to get them out to you quickly when picking up.
·       Children can come to school dressed appropriately in uniform or in their own clothes, whichever is easier for you and for them. Children must come to school in clean clothes each day. Government advice says that when children get home from school they should change and wash immediately and clothes they have worn to school should also be washed immediately.
·       As the weather gets warmer the children will be spending more time outside. Please do ensure they have the necessary protection – hat, sun cream etc. as well as a water bottle.
·       A hat, water bottle, a coat (if needed), a packed lunch (should they be bringing one from home) and a pot of moisturiser will be the only things that will be permitted in school. Please leave book bags etc. at home.
·       We will be providing the children with breakfast should they want it.
·       If you wish your child to have a school lunch, which will be a packed lunch, please make sure that you sQuid account is topped up. The menu will be the same as last week.
·       Lunches will be in the classrooms.
This is a steep learning curve for us as well as you and as always we will continue to do all that we can to support you and make this time as easy as possible. Together we will get there. Thank you so much for your on-going understanding.
Please keep sharing your pictures with us, we love seeing them and it really does brighten up our day. By sharing with us via class dojo or our other platforms, we will take this as your consent for wider sharing. If you do not want photos shared please do not send them.
We continue to miss you all so much and truly cannot wait see some of you this week. This is not how school and education is meant to be. This time has made us realise even more how wonderful you are, how important you all are to us all but ultimately what a privilege we have working with such a wonderful and supportive community – thank you Clockhouse.
As always, I am sure you will want to join with me in thanking those in our community who are front line and key workers and also our great staff team. Again we are so lucky to have such an amazing community who has pulled together during this difficult time.
Please look after yourselves and each other!
We are still one community and are here for you all.
Our school – a family and a home for everyone!
Keep smiling and stay safe
Mrs Savidge

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