Friday 24 July 2020

Well that is that then... Watch our video - a year in the life of Clockhouse!

Dear Clockhouse Community

We have come to the end of the year and what a year it has been with many, many highs and some real lows. Now that we have all had a 1 or 2 days away and the summer holiday is underway, I just wanted to spend some time reflecting on the previous year and what we have all achieved together and my goodness there is so, so much.

We could all end up channelling our thinking into the current time and the terrible pandemic that is affecting the world and has also sadly touched a number of families in our community, but we must not forget the fantastic year we have had as a school. We have again achieved amazing things this year and it is not until you have the chance to sit back and think about this that you realise all that we have done. This year, with the support of the whole Clockhouse Community, we have achieved so much. Whilst it has not been the year any of us would have chosen, we must not forget that again, despite everything, we have raised more money for charity and our children have worked hard to achieve great things. From singing at the O2 to achieving great things in sport. From amazing learning to some brilliant performances on our school stage at Christmas Concerts, from Best of British Week to 'We Are...' Week and all the amazing visitors we had in to school. And not forgetting that some of you even had to become teachers over night and what a fabulous job you did, over night we changed the educational landscape like never before and even though I do say so myself, I think we did a pretty good job.  The list just goes on and on! These are just some of our achievements and the children and staff have worked so hard to achieve all of this - they certainly have embraced our motto of this year - Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It. The 'icing on the cake with a cherry on top' had to be the external validation we received when Ofsted came to visit - just wow. Although this did not make it into the report, they did tell us that 'There is a clear spirit and vision which grabs hold of everyone as soon as they come into it'. This was simply wonderful to hear as we have worked so hard together to achieve this. I am so proud of our school and I hope you all are too. None of this would have been possible without our amazing community - our children, our parents, our staff and our governors, thank you to you all! 

Thanks to the support from the Clockhouse families, we have been able to significantly enrich the curriculum for the children from visitors into school to trips out - without your support in this it would not be possible! Year 1 certainly had a fabulous time on their trip to see the Gruffalo, Year 2 had a great time at Colchester Zoo and met a very special person, whilst the Year 3 trip to Barleylands was enjoyed by all. Year 4 had lots of fun at the Synagogue with Year 5 enjoying their time at Greenwich and Year 6 having a great time at Gunpowder Mill to name but a few. Reception and Nursery even enjoyed lots of opportunities to share their learning with their families and had a great time when the Zoo came calling!

Whilst this is only a small snap shot of our year, it would be hard to capture it all, we have certainly achieved a lot with everyone's hard work and support - thank you! Please follow the link below to our own special review of the year:

As one year draws to a close and we all take a well-earned break, we begin to make plans for the new year and we look forward to next year with excitement, anticipation and understandably a little bit of aprehension considering the situation we are in. Whatever happens and whatever September looks like, I do know that we will be in it together and do all that we can for the little people who mean so much to use all! Clockhouse has done significantly well this year and it is a good place to be. Whatever the new year does bring, together we will work our hardest to do the very best for your children and with yours and their support anything is possible.

As you know, we return to school on Monday 7th September and we look forward to welcoming everyone and to hear about their holidays.

Good luck to all those moving on to pastures new in September, we will miss you all but know that you are more than ready for the next phase of your life. Finally, from myself and on behalf of the staff and governors, all that leaves me to say is a huge thank you for everything you have done this year, Clockhouse would not be in the place it is without you all. I hope you have a great summer whatever you are doing and enjoy a well-earned rest.

Here's to a great 2020-2021 whatever it may bring.

You know where we are if you need us.
Stay safe everyone! 
Have a good one!
Mrs Savidge

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